More Mamba Love

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
After months of internet collaboration, finally had a live practice yesterday....I loaded my rm100KH with Gigmods Tweed (clean>dirty tones), Mamba (brutal rhythm), and S1S0 (leads + flip a switch for dirty cleans).

I was playing pretty loud when our auditioning drummer said "I need more guitar" :shock: 26 years of jamming, I never heard a drummer say that

I cranked it WAY up- definitely over 100dbs. In retrospect, we all played too loud for this practice room- but we haven't played live in a long time so it was time to unload the steam.

The Tweed was brought along for clean parts & also a handful of friendlier strat tunes- I don't like those tunes on anything but the Pete Tweed. But most of the set was hi gain....

The S1S0 took over lead duties. At this volume, I didn't need the fire engaged. I think I left it on I for a warm sound; Inspiring Tone. One tune didn't have a lead but had a rhythm that was much lighter- so I flipped the switch to crunch and it was exactly what I needed without further volume/eq adjustment.

But the story of the night was the Mamba. Unbelievebale power and ferocity. Especially during transitions- getting out of a solo and back to rhythm, or going from a clean rhythm to metal Anger- HOLY F@#K! This thing sounded so clear and so angry, I'm out of words.

More studio clips are coming to prove it's not a Behringer :lol:
Love that Mamba from Salvo! (re: Love that Chicken From Popeyes!)

The Mamba does rock. For practice, gigs & recording. It has been my go-to module since I've had it. Glad you feel the same way. I really want to try a S1S0 now. All I've been hearing is good things.

When the Mamba's a rockin' don't bother knockin'!