My Salvation RM1250

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia

Left to right...

Benzin (koda) based off of the Einstein
Mamba (previously owned by Ahrue Luster of Ill Ni?o)
Mash-oldano (plexi rather than 800)
Angel (cranky)
Chupacabra (another Ahrue Luster module) poor girl is missing a knob, hookups?
Mandarine Stonerverb
Xtacy 2
Now you really need Anthony to make you a custom MDA board for those 1250s....It will take each module and enhance every single module...I can't say enough about it...

That Koda looks super cool and seeing that Matchvox makes me miss mine...
Mattfig said:
That is oh so pretty! I have gawked, sorry...

Looks like you must play easy listening music judging from your mods...I can almost hear Air Supply playing in the background...Oh wait, that's here...

Ha! Same here. My first thought was "Shred much?" :twisted:
What r the tonal differences between the high gain mode of the Einstein mod as opposed to the regular vh4 Benzin?
The VH4 is tight as hell... The Einstein while being tight compared to other high gainers has a classic feel to it in my personal opinion.

I prefer the original Benzin.
One last thing, can the einstein do plexi sounds? I saw a youtube video and I think chanel one mode 2 does low/mid gain stuff. Is such the case with the mod?
frigolajm said:
One last thing, can the einstein do plexi sounds? I saw a youtube video and I think chanel one mode 2 does low/mid gain stuff. Is such the case with the mod?

Yeah it's awesome. It's does low/mid gain great, definitely a cool take on the amp
My old Camerock there, man I miss that module - definitely flipped that bad boy way too soon, killer setup bro! Is that my old Rhoadie as well - with the custom saturation switch? And that Mamba is that SE #4 by chance? :)