need help picking out a cab

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago Burbs, IL
I just purchased a Randall RM100S Head. I am having a tough time picking out a cab. I play metal but still want a good clean, (hence me picking the randall head). I wanted a mesa cab with Vintage 30's, but I was told that Vadar makes an amazing cab that would go awesome with my head for $300 cheaper. My guitar teacher say's anything with V30's.

Also, How do i get the best "balance" with this head as far as volume/tone wise. Does the volume on the module have to be higher then the volume on the amp? Or vice versa for the best tone out of the module. I couldn't mess around with it at the guitar store too loud.

Thanks for all ure guys' help in advance.
the vader cab has eminence speakers and costs about 900. you could get an avatar cab with v30's for 400. generally set the master volume at 1 to 2' 0 clock and adjust the module volume for loudness, when i play at practice i set the master almost to 3' 0 clock and the module is at about 11' 0 clock but my drummer is very loud :twisted:
I got a decent deal on a Lynch Box cab. It sounds really deep and heavy(I mostly play metal) but cleans up VERY well. Not sure how much your looking to spend, but that is a awesome cab.
Man I'd love a Lynch cab...looks great and those Super V 75's :twisted:

I got a Randall MTS 4x12 with v30s....sounds killer and I I only paid $525 shipped :D

Of course I swapped 2 of the v30s for G12H30s which netted me about $10...and it sounds even better :D
Before the Lynch cab I was using a cheapy B52 cab and never realized what a HUGE difference a good cab makes! I had to change all my settings on my amp since I was pushing it so hard to get good tones out of the old cab.
The vadar cab is $700..... Mesa is $950. What suck's is i cant bring my head into guitar center to try out different cabs :( so im stuck with people's suggestion.
the vader is pretty sterile but loud, bass isn't super huge either. pretty much anything with v 30's will sound good. you should be able to get the mts cab for 5 or 6 somewhere used maybe.
First choice for me would be the MTS cabs or Genz Benz Flex, both are loaded with V30s. I love my MTS cab and will buy a Genz Benz in the future .

Once I got the Lynch Box I sold my Marshall 4x12 with Greenbacks. The Eminence Super V speaker is a truly unique speaker it is voiced really well for high gain and cleans with a rarely heard "rich quality'. Highs are never harsh and the top end roll off is PERFECT, upper mids are sweet and project with clarity, mids are focused and NOT honky, lows are tight and can be MASSIVE. Classic rock tones are equally awsome. The point of breakup is perfect... these are 150 watt speakers and the breakup is like a 30... figure that one out... not an overly aggressive speaker but not to nassally or woody either... just the right balance of both with astounding clarity and detailing. The breakup adds shimmer that is spot on. Eminence did a stellar job on the speakers... based on George's Fanes and Randall did a great job on the cab... based on George's Hiwatt.

I know everyone is raving about the KH half stack and understandably so but in 10 years the Lynch Box cab will be looked upon as an absolute classic. Randall can lay claim to that not even Fender can say as much with the awsome EVH brand.

You owe it to yourself to try out the LB cab and LISTEN to what it has to say... never mind how cool it looks... just listen...

I tryed the LB cab at the was awesome!!..BUT MAN IT'S BEAST!! over a 100 lbs!! So I went with a 212 mts's good but rattles a bit when i crank it.
for your needs...i suggest the x pattern cabinet. the 75's will give you the highs and tight lows...with the v30's giving all the mids you could ask for. it will handle alot of power, and randall mts has a lot of gain so you really don't need the speakers to break up.

you'll get the best of both worlds with this cabinet. add the rs412kh100 on the bottom and you might get arrested! :twisted: