New album from BerserkerfoX streaming now!

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What do you think of the album?

  • Dead good!

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  • Listenable

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  • Nothing spectacular

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  • Go homes, takes a showers and wash the shames off

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys!

It took us ages to put this together, but here it is. Head on down to to sample the entire album and tell us your thoughts. "History.Altar.Ashes" was entirely self produced, home recorded, mixed, engineered and mastered (cos we are poor).


The album will be available for download via iTunes,, Spotify, etc in a few weeks via our record label Ovis Records. Physical copies should be available in a month or so.

So in the mean time, head on down to our MySpace and have a listen to the tracks. Condemn, critique, praise, enjoy - we just want you to hear it!

The artwork is hilariously awesome and brutal. When you posted your song ashes of solace way back when, i downloaded it and i still listen to it sometimes. that's a great track. i've only listened to a couple more songs so far, but i like it! great sound for doing it on your own too.

I especially love the allusion to Skwisgaar in poll, but this music certainly doesn't get that vote. Overall great job!
MorgMetal666 said:
The artwork is hilariously awesome and brutal. When you posted your song ashes of solace way back when, i downloaded it and i still listen to it sometimes. that's a great track. i've only listened to a couple more songs so far, but i like it! great sound for doing it on your own too.

I especially love the allusion to Skwisgaar in poll, but this music certainly doesn't get that vote. Overall great job!
Hi MorgMetal666,
Thanks so much for listening and the kind words. Glad you like it. If anything, I'd buy the physical copy and T-shirt for the artwork... cos it is amazing. Work by Aaron Kerr and Kieran Oats.

I couldnt help the Skwisgar reference... he ams brutals.

Thanks again for the comments!

Guitar tone sounds great...can't listen to music in that genre though (whatever it's called) vocals juts make me lol too much.

Nice work on the production though!
JKD said:
Guitar tone sounds great...can't listen to music in that genre though (whatever it's called) vocals juts make me lol too much.

Nice work on the production though!
Cheers JKD!

RM100 w/1086 through Celestion seventy80s on the right, Framus Cobra through EarCandy Speakers on the left. Good blend of high and low guitar tone.

Drums are drumagog'd with about 20% of the original drums still in there, bass has been Amplitube'd, while the vox are a blend of a SM58 and a AT kick drum mic.

Thanks for the comments!