New guy needs Module Advice

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New member
Sep 12, 2008
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I just got an MTS100 head and marshall 1960a 4X12, I had already loaded in the head blackface (i think) Plexi, and Recto, the plexi is a little bit thin on the overdrive in my opinion, anyone got any ideas about a great crunch/overdrive that will still be less gainy than the recto??

The Xotic BB or BB+ does wonders for the mid gain modules if they need a kick in the pants. I will say a Pete modded Plexi has added gain and it one of the best tones out there.
I don't know how much it compares tone wise to the Plexi but the SL+ has that marshall crunch with plenty of gain on tap.

The SL+ is a real good place to start. I have been using that as my main "dirty" module for a while playing in a cover band doing Staind, STP, Creed, Metallica, etc. I think its a real workhorse for hard rock heavy stuff. I also just got a used Modern module that I think I will like even more after "tweaking" it. But I think the SL+ should work for you.

I am not sure why you would want to buy a pedal when you can buy a module?? Isn't that beauty of the MTS??

I use my OD pedal not for a gain boost but a voltage boost. Really pumps the module up!
Takes the sound of the module then INJECTS THE STEROIDS to it!! I was ANTI-PEDAL for years......but know I always use mine in front of the amp. It just sounds so killer! 8)
honestly,you can buy a descent o/d pedal for WAY cheaper than buying another mts module.if you've already got the PLEXI module and you would like it more gainy,then an o/d pedal is a great way to do you've got more versatility with a PLEXI & an o/d pedal VS just a SL+ module.some guys like the tone of a boosted PLEXI module alot more than a stock SL+ module.dont get me wrong,though,because i love the SL+,it's just that since you've got a PLEXI module already,get a $75.00 o/d pedal,from a local Guitar Center,try it out,then if you still want gainier,you can always return the pedal within 30 days for a full refund...just my 4 cents! :)