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Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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RM4 is officially in town at UPS. Should be delivered tomorrow, although I'll be at work so it may be an extra day or 2 before I see it. But as soon as I get it:
RM4 with KH1 for cleans & Mr Scary for high gain --> Peavey Tube Fex --> Peavey Classic 50/50 --> 4x12 cab run in stereo.
Rocktron midimate to control the rack. I'm going to try a wet/dry signal in stereo for fun.

Now as soon as my broken leg heals, I'll put together my pedal board.
I have an RM4 and a Peavey Classic 50/50 poweramp, too. I'm running mine like this: guitar -> RM4 -> BBE 482i -> Peavey Classic 50/50 -> Soldano 4x12 cab.

We'll have to compare notes ;)
SO far I like it. I haven't had time to really delve into it. FOr some reason I am not smart enough to hook it up with the TubeFex in there. I was freaking out for a couple of minutes. Essentially the setup above that I mentioned I would get no sound.
1st unplugged RM4 & went back to TubeFEx into classic 50/50. Worked as before.
2nd hooked up as above & again no sound. So now I'm thining is it hte modules, is it the RM4. Seemed strange that both modules would be dead especially since they were getting power (LED was on).
3rd I hooked up the RM4 strait to the Classic 50/50 in a mono setup & it works.I really haven't played around too much yet. This is insane that I have 3 Volumes (not including the Gain), so it will take some doing. So far I did not notice much of a difference on Mr Scary when I switched the Bright switch on/off. KH1 had a small presence boost but I still need to play around with this more tomorrow & also hook up the Midimate.

FYI on the way I was connecting the whole rack when not getting any sound:
Guitar into front of RM4.
RM4 Out Pre Loop to input of TubeFex.
TubeFx Left & Right out to the Classic 50/50 input of both channels.
Obviously the L&R Speaker outs to the stereo cabinet.

Anythoughts on why this doesn't work. Maybe I should be using the effects loop on the RM4?
Use the programmable Loop in/out's of the Tubefex instead and bypass the Tubefex's front end, and the additional AD/DA conversion...
The multiple volumes can take some getting used to. The benefit is that you have a huge range of tone shaping capabilities with that option. I have found that running the master on the power amp higher makes the KH1, and any clean modules, sound better.

Take your time and you will figure out how to make your rig work for you. It took me a little while to figure out how to work my RM100 and RG1000 together to get what I wanted. My patience was worth it. I love my rig.
Well I decided to follow the instructions on the TUbeFEx manual & now I get sound. I still need to fiddle with it, but so far it sounds pretty good.
Signal path is Guitar -->RM4 (front) Parallel loop send -->TubeFex (front) --> Unbalanced out --> RM4 parallel loop return --> RM4 post loop out --> Classic 50/50 --> 4x12.

Something is up with the TubeFex rear input Jack. Oh well the front one works.
1st impressions:
The KH1 is brighter & has more highs than I expected. I still need to play with that to get a clean sound I like... maybe an eq in the effects loop via the tubefex to round out that high end bight.

Mr Scary is very dynamic. I think someone on here said before that it tends to cover GL's Plexi & Soldano tones mixed. Neck single coil & gain at 9 o clock gives a clean with very little grit. Switch to Bridge humbucker & you get a 70s style overdrive. I had the gain cranked & rolled back. So far I think I like the gain between 12 o clock & 3 o clock. Anything above that seems to be too much.
I'm a new owner in the MTS arena, too - having just got my RM4 about 1.5 weeks ago. I think I made a mistake in getting some really good mods right off the bat (Gigmods 1087 and Modern, along with a JF Recto and Friedman HBE), because now I have basically started with a mod addiction hehe. I have 2 stock modules (SL+ and SuperV) out of 7, but I think the modules really shine when one of the talented modders does their magic on them. If you think the Mr. Scary has too much gain, you may want to see about getting your hands on a Brahma. I personally haven't tried one (yet), but I understand they are more of a Plexi tone - a bit less gain than the Scary.
Ok, your setup will work fine... BUT...

If you want to run stereo (if your cab is a stereo cab)


If you want to choose BETWEEN the RM4 preamps AND the Tubefex Preamps, your setup will look something like this (see pg 13 of the Tubefex manual:

Gtr -> TF Signal Input (in your case the one that works... lol... the rear input ALWAYS fails)
-> TF Effects Send Left/mono -> RM4 Input
-> RM4 out -> TF Effects Return
-> TF L and R out
-> Classic 50/50 L and R
-> 4x12 stereo cab

Now, I may be missleading you.... your signal chain MUST look like this if you want CM before your preamps (RM4 or TF) to prevent your outputs from summing (there is only 1 AD/DA conversion for the TubeFex, the TransTubeFex or TransFex only has a AD conversion, which allows the FX block anywhere in the chain)

(using Tubefex preamps)

(using RM4 preamps)

You may find this link helpful,
and John Fera (the Peavey engineer who did v2.0 on his own) is VERY approachable and helpful. Tell him John R sent you ;)

How do I know so much about the TubeFex? Been missing it ever since I sold it in 2003...
Hamner1 said:
1st impressions:
The KH1 is brighter & has more highs than I expected. I still need to play with that to get a clean sound I like... maybe an eq in the effects loop via the tubefex to round out that high end bight.

Mr Scary is very dynamic. I think someone on here said before that it tends to cover GL's Plexi & Soldano tones mixed. Neck single coil & gain at 9 o clock gives a clean with very little grit. Switch to Bridge humbucker & you get a 70s style overdrive. I had the gain cranked & rolled back. So far I think I like the gain between 12 o clock & 3 o clock. Anything above that seems to be too much.

I don't find my KH1 to overly bright. Try turning off the bright switch and keeping the treble down. Sorry for the obvious answer.

I find the sweet spot on pretty much any of the gain modules is from noon to 3 on the gain knob. To tame the Scary a bit, drop a 5751 in V1. That was the magic combination for mine. It adds some clarity and makes the gain more usuable when the knob is set higher.
Thank you johnodge. I will check this setup out that you described.

I definately like the idea of running Stereo. When I tried that out before the RM4, I really liked the sound compared to mono. I'll play around with it & get back to you all.

I may be screwing this up as well. It seems that I have having difficulty saving the RM4 channel preset using the midimate. probably just me being stupid.

Method as I understand it. Select preset on midimate & effects unit (in this case TubeFex), on front of RM4 select channel/module, then hold button in for 2-3 seconds.
Hamner1 said:

1st impressions:
The KH1 is brighter & has more highs than I expected. I still need to play with that to get a clean sound I like... maybe an eq in the effects loop via the tubefex to round out that high end bight.

I have a KH1. You have to set it up like a Fender amp. That means bass at 0, Treble around 9:00-10:00, Mids at 2:00. Brite switch off.
Julia that sounds strange to have the bass at 0 when trying to eliminate the brightness/high end. :lol: Oddly enough though it also made little sense to me to turn down the gain so it is less saturated & not be drowned out in the mix. I will definately try your recommendation.

I've definately come to the conclusion I am less intelligent than I thought. Johnodge I know there is a reason in the effects chain of the TubeFex the TB is listed as tb (lowercase) I forget why & also how to change that.

I think I set it up the way you said & I must have something wrong. Do you need the CM at the beginning of the chain? What ever I was doing I wasn't getting the Mr Scary module tone.

Current signal path:
Guitar - Tubefex input - Tubefex fx send to RM4 input (on back of RM4) - RM4 OUT (pre loop) - Tubefex fx return - Tubefex outputs (Left & Right) - Classic 50/50 inputs (1 & 2) Classic 50/50 outputs to 4x12 cabinet (stereo).
:idea: Eyeball987 & Julia I defer to you on any further tone suggestions. I probably should have stated I am using an EMG 81 in the bridge. Eventually this will get replaced with an 89 which will be warmer still. KH1 adjustments:
Gain 9:30-10:00, Bass 12:00ish, Mids 10:00, highs 0, Volume 5:00 Master on RM4 10:00 Bright switch off. I have no idea why I thought the switch moved to the right was off. Oh well. With the 81 I needed to turn up the bass some & cut the Highs even more than was recommended. This is a dry signal (not even reverb). I should also note this is RM4 into Classic 50/50 (mono) to 4x12 cab.