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I'd like to trimix, (If you're referring to me, which I assume you are) but the truth is this... I came here to talk about tone, and learn about some Modules and etc. What I found is... not worth going into. It's very frustrating when people tell you that it would be best, and you could avoid problems, if you do what you already did...

...and I'm not mad AT ALL which is sometimes hard to know for sure when reading txt but...

I personally really like most of Anthony's Modules. I'm certainly not out to trash this Spawn out of any malice towards Anthony or Salvation Mods. In Anthony's defense, as far as this Module goes.. I probably don't like the real amp either. Matt surprised me with that video he posted, but he had the Module set much differently and was playing a much different type of song. Mike's clip went right back to what I didn't like about this tone the 1st time I heard it. Maybe there are some good tones to be had from this Module, but there seems to be some problem with that Presence/Gain combination. Maybe it's just me... maybe nobody else cares or hears it.

It's incredibly amazing to me that I don't seem to be allowed to make a comment about the tone and character of a module on this forum. I don't care if santa clause made that clip... I really don't. I just want to talk about the hair I keep hearing when I listen to it.

Instead it seems I was interrupting the Mike Plas show... I had no idea. Please excuse me... I thought maybe we were going to seriously discuss some tone at some point.

...again NOT MAD/ANGRY. Just sayin' Geez.

I did get mad once around here, and you guys should easily be able to tell the difference.
