New ZZ Top - Dat tone!

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2011
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A track on the latest ZZ Top album. Tasty tone.

Any ideas how I could get close to something like this?
Change your strings to 7's and use a super light touch. Maybe the Rev's fingers too.
Once played my LP Custom with .007 La Bella strings through my Akai tube
tape recorder wide open in Record and got that sound. Also, an old Manny's
fuzz box from the early '70s did that. I'm not kidding.
Sounds like some kind of germanium fuzz to me but my speakers are crap. Then maybe some clipping from the mic being placed too close. Either way it's burned into my brain.

May have to get the BYOC Large Beaver kit and see what I can do.

Not sure about the .7's though. Going from .11 or .12 -> .7 will definitely require a new setup.
That's a multi-amp setup with a cleaner amp blended with a dirty amp using a fuzzbox, so you're not going to get that sound with a single amp.