Ok figured it out here's me tone

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago Burbs, IL
Alright guy's. Last night i played a gig, it was late, i got drinkin early, so i wasnt on top of my game.

Song 2 Live and Song 3 Live are my 1086, boosted with the Bloody Murder pedal. I use this module for my 7 string tone.

Dues ex Machina, Song 4, and Song 5 are my 6 string tuned to drop C, with the ultra being boosted with my Bloody Murder.

Song five my string broke at the end and you can tell. Again, i was kinda feeling good with the amount of alcohol i had in my system so its not the tightest we've played. The drummer had the flue and blah blah blah. The sound guy didnt finish recording the 6th song which is the audiences favorite.

tell me what you guys think

Myspace.com/rdmb69 is were the recordings are.
Groovy :twisted: I'm not sure if I hear a singer or maybe satan trying to contact me while listening but I love it.

LMAO! Who was tuning in the radio station at the end of song 5 lol?
I think im going to back my gain off a lot next time. Im always standing in front of the amp, so i can never tell. The Ultra's gain is at noon ( half ) and the 1086's gain is pretty much 3:30 (almost full) My custom OD pedal was at half drive. I think im going to take all the drive out, and just max out the volume.

Again, i was pretty sauced up so that's why it sound's sloppy. The singer's mic was barely on, he sings throughout all the songs. FOR SOME REASON MY AMP PICKS UP RADIO STATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF IS THAT ABOUT. LoL. We were listening to a distorted version of club music on my amp from a station it picked up. LoL.
Definately a bit too much gain muddying it up. I'd back it down some and it will still sound brutal. Were you using a gate? Might help a bit if not with the stop start riffs to keep the feedback and noise in check. That tone has alot of potential though...I liked it. Good job man! :wink:
trendkill1168 said:
Definately a bit too much gain muddying it up. I'd back it down some and it will still sound brutal. Were you using a gate? Might help a bit if not with the stop start riffs to keep the feedback and noise in check. That tone has alot of potential though...I liked it. Good job man! :wink:

Thank you soo much, that helps. I think i want to lessin the gain, and add some bass. As for the Noise gate, i have a NS-2. I still can't figure out why the **** i have soo much feedback. Even without the boost and gain at noon i still get it. **** you Randall LoL.
tonymustang302 said:
trendkill1168 said:
Definately a bit too much gain muddying it up. I'd back it down some and it will still sound brutal. Were you using a gate? Might help a bit if not with the stop start riffs to keep the feedback and noise in check. That tone has alot of potential though...I liked it. Good job man! :wink:

Thank you soo much, that helps. I think i want to lessin the gain, and add some bass. As for the Noise gate, i have a NS-2. I still can't figure out why the f*&k i have soo much feedback. Even without the boost and gain at noon i still get it. **** you Randall LoL.

You using the stock pickups on your guitars? Could also be a very bad cable, but something isn't grounded right. Thats also the reason you are tuning in radio as well.

Personally I think its hilarious it when amps do that :lol: "Yo yo yo YO! WZ5000gigty-O dance fever hits, all day and all night... yeeeaaaahhhhh", right in the middle of the recording studio. That normally earns you a level 18 stare of death from the sound engineer lol.
Also, on the NS-2....if you're not running this way already, try running it up front and run your overdrive in the loop of the NS-2. Most of the additional gain that is contributing to feedback is probably coming from the OD so when you run it in the loop of the noise gate it quiets it down big time. When I run mine like that I really never have the need to run a gate in my loop.
trendkill1168 said:
Also, on the NS-2....if you're not running this way already, try running it up front and run your overdrive in the loop of the NS-2. Most of the additional gain that is contributing to feedback is probably coming from the OD so when you run it in the loop of the noise gate it quiets it down big time. When I run mine like that I really never have the need to run a gate in my loop.

Do explain how that would work.

Soulisane....I have have top of the line cables from guitar to pedal baord to amp. Speaker cable is expensive too. I couldn't believe how much better my tone got from changing to awesome cables.
tonymustang302 said:
trendkill1168 said:
Also, on the NS-2....if you're not running this way already, try running it up front and run your overdrive in the loop of the NS-2. Most of the additional gain that is contributing to feedback is probably coming from the OD so when you run it in the loop of the noise gate it quiets it down big time. When I run mine like that I really never have the need to run a gate in my loop.

Do explain how that would work.

Soulisane....I have have top of the line cables from guitar to pedal baord to amp. Speaker cable is expensive too. I couldn't believe how much better my tone got from changing to awesome cables.

Very easy man...just run your guitar cord into the input of the NS-2 and then obviously a cord from the NS-2 output to the input of your amp. Then run a cord from the send on the NS-2 to the input of your overdrive. And then finally run another cord from the output of your overdrive to the return of the NS-2 and bingo...you're there.

Puts the overdrive in the loop of the NS-2 and quiets down all related noise coming from OD. I never run anything else through the gates loop like wahs or upfront EQ's but it works great to quiet down any dirt pedals and I think the signal sounds much better wired up this way. I just use a couple of 2 or 3' cables and then wire-tie off any slack to keep my pedalboard clean. :wink: