Ok, you've all heard and seen my rack

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
I'm selling off the 1666 and the Loneclean in the classifieds now...So I'll have two open slots....

One is already set to have a Salvo S1S0 (with a sweep pot!!) - cause I gotta be different and think it'll be AWESOME in studio settings....

What else should I get? I have the Marshall, Mesa, Vox, Matchless, Framus, Fender and VHT tones down....And soon Peavey 5150...

I want something different and I don't feel like trying to make it...What module should I get? Recommendations please...Don't want anything stock as I've played them all...Something unique...I know, I have everything...But that one slot can't be left alone...It just wouldn't be right....There's gotta be something...

Edited to say I'm considering Hilly's Scorch but really have that tone already down in my rack...Yet I have a feeling it may just kick a little ***...
Angel is a good call but I've had that one already...haha...I may be saying that alot...What may help is if I say why I didn't keep em....

The Angel sounded incredible in high gain mode...The contour was a cool touch too...However, I thought it sounded VERY Marshally in other settings...When I A/B'd it with the Mashall I could duplicate many tones...Probably a good thing for some, not for me though...

Now I hear there's an Angel B...I may have to look into that one....

Thanks for the suggestion....
****, I even used a one word response for the epic moment haha how bout a Kraken?
Kraken? Hmmmm...Clips sound good...Dig the design and layout...I know that is usually the one with the sweep pot and not the S1S0 but I digress...I can honestly say I know almost nothing about Krank amps...Aside from they were gonna be Dime's new thing...Or already were....I just know he never recorded with one so I can't speak to its tone....What is Krank like? I'm sure the Kraken nails it...Just don't know the "it."
haha my experience with Krank was always a thin, buzzy amp. But...people say they are incredible clear, articulate, vicious high gainers. It's definitely a unique voicing; I'm sure youtube has some decent demos of what they have to offer! :twisted:
Truth is with the hi gainers, you are covered my mod lusting friend :(

I think you're missing a Gigmods Blackface (DLX on a switch?) or a Gigmods Tweed.

I owned the Loneclean for a spell and it sounds nothing like the Gigmods clean modules- so on paper it looks like similar tones but in action waaay different sounds.

If you have a Strat the GigmodsTweed is a must own.
Go with the chubracabra.It's got gain similar to the mamba but more trebley,the highs are higher not as much bottom end.With 3 ranges of gain it's very versitile.In the mamba you've got all the bottom end you'd need and with the Chubracabra you'd have the highs.With my mamba and chubra (picking up my mash-all tomorrow after work)i'll have all the different contrasts of tone I could want.
How about a more "rock" (as opposed to "metal") orientated, slightly middier (is that a word?) high gain sound - one of the Soldano or Ecstacy style mods?
VitaminG said:
he already has a sexy Salvado, so that's one down :)
Oh yeah, so he does (I was looking at the text in his post, not the sig :))

In that case, no idea. Dare I say it, he might have everything he needs? :lol:
OH & I gotta say, an S1S0 with a sweep pot sounds like a cool thing. I'll be watching the Classifieds closely... :p
hah! You guys are great...Thanks for the responses...I'm fully aware that I have most bases covered already...I like Ray's suggestions toward a clean module...I also appreciate the other suggestions...

Let's see...Mandarine - good one...Just sold one... :D ...It was an amazing module but I didn't need any more British sounding high gainers and while it's voiced differently than say a Mashall, it wasn't different enough to hold onto...

Kraken is a possibility...Love my Salvado Deluxe so no need to go for more Soldano goodness....Chupa sounds like a really cool module too...But I have a feeling I can already coax such tones outta what I already have...Chupa sounds like a high gainer for someone who doesn't have any or many high gainers and needs to cover more ground...Cool module, but not unique enough to hold its place in the rack of doom...

And you keep watching those classifieds antag, that S1S0 may just show up there...However, it'll be awhile as Antonin is pretty backed up with work at the moment... :( I won't be seeing that one for awhile....

Please, keep the suggestions coming....
Gigmods Mark or Salvation MarkUS?

or, off the wall completely...Egnater COD :)
Got a fully loaded Gigmods Mark coming soon...It's got bass toggle, mid toggle, and the 6 way Ray mod...I think I should find a setting that is suitable...

Can someone enlighten me on the HBE and BE? I know nothing about them...Would they fill a void in my tone? If there is one :)
BE = the Brown sound tweaked to Dave's taste

HBE = high gain version of above with extra bite....

Both firmly in modded marshall territory but Dave likes his marshalls (in fact all his high gain mods) to have some low end and quite a bit of agression....

..I would guess your Mashall would be very close.
JKD said:
BE = the Brown sound tweaked to Dave's taste

HBE = high gain version of above with extra bite....

Both firmly in modded marshall territory but Dave likes his marshalls (in fact all his high gain mods) to have some low end and quite a bit of agression....

..I would guess your Mashall would be very close.

Thanks. What about the COD??
COD is probably completely different from almost everything you own.....it's one of the few modules with pre-gain EQ .. like a Fender.

It's typically described as a cross between a Dumble and a Mesa Mark or 'California' sound....in any case it's unique.

I dunno if it'd fit with your stuff or ideas about tone or not...it's certainly all midz...

Wicked, singing fusiony type lead module mostly..seems to have a fairly good amount of gain, with the right guitar and a boost it surely can do metal, just with not the voicing typically used for it.