Opinions on Avatars' HELLATONE Speakers needed

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
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Opinions on Avatars' HELLATONE Speakers needed:
I see that they claim they mod Celestion V30s to make one their speakers....is this true? Anybody own one of these? Sound as good, better than the un-modded V30?
i'd be interested in that as well. or a little more on the wgs veteran 30's, those guys make some serious claims on their site
While I have not directly compared standard V-30's to the Hellatones, I have an Avatar 2x12 cab (vintage model) with 2 V-30 Hellatones. I highly recommend this cabinet. The sound and quality for the money can't be beat.

Not sure if it is the cabinet design or the speakers but this 2x12 actually pushes a lot more bass than the Marshall 4x12's I used to have. The sound is pretty well balanced across frequencies, but the bass really hits you in the chest.

If you call Avatar the owner (Mike?) often answers the phone and he'll describe everything about the process they use for Hellatones.
the problem is that if I call Avatar..Im sure they will preach their speakers..
I really need the opinion of someone who isnt at the company,ya know?

I go for em..they will go in my Randall cabinet, not an Avatar although they seem really good.
I already spend money on the cab..cant keep throwing good money after bad.
I have a pair of Hellatone 30s (G12H30) in my Randall MTS 4x12 in an x pattern with regular Celestion v30s...I think they add nice crunchy warmth to the tone compared with the v30...gives the cab much more dimension than 2 of the same.
GtrGeorge! said:
the problem is that if I call Avatar..Im sure they will preach their speakers..
I really need the opinion of someone who isnt at the company,ya know?

I go for em..they will go in my Randall cabinet, not an Avatar although they seem really good.
I already spend money on the cab..cant keep throwing good money after bad.

To be honest, that's one of the reasons I like dealing with Avatar... every time I'm in need of a cab (I've owned 4 of their cabs) or replacement speakers, I always call or email Dave at Avatar first and get the scoop from him. Having placed probably 8 or 9 orders from them, it's worth noting that they have never pushed their speakers over the other speakers (Celestions, Emi's) that they stock, nor have they tried to upsell me to more expensive speakers.

alright guys...

all the hellatone stuff is actual celestions that they break in. peel the label and the old celestion label is on there.

hellatone 60 is a v30

hellatone 30 is a g12h30

hellatone 60l is much like the marshall celestion vintage speaker. (v30/75 mix)

so...the answer is absolutely get these guys. there are broke in celestion...and they are great guys.

personally...I have a quad of the hellatone 30's that i would never ever part with.
they are very sweet, and worth every penny they cost...

i never really compared the 60L to a G12T-75..

I have 20 Hellatone 60Ls in an x-pattern with 2 G12T-75...i think its the ultimate speaker combo...each speaker works to compliment the other sonically, and gives it a thick rich tone..

The hellatone60 is similar to the speakers from the marshall mode4 mf280 cab...its a vintage 30 with emphasis on keeping the lows nice and tight, and the highs not too ice-picky...

The hellatone differes further by not having such a "harsh" upper mid spike...its smoothed out as well as the bass being tightened...i think they do very well when paired with the T-75..both have different characteristics for high/low frequencies..and where one is more "scooped" the other is a bit "heavier." The other guitar players bought v30s to xpattern after hearing my cab, and he hated it...they were new and not broken in, and werent hellatone....tried to explain to him there is a big difference between those and a straight up v30..

ever since i owned and sold my mode4 cab, i wanted to make sure my cab in my next metal band had these speakers...and all honestly they are better than the celestions in the mf280..