Pete1087- My Metal Masterpiece

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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go to "my Metal Masterpiece"

Recorded at low volumes (late night), in fact, you can hear me slapping the guitar around in a percussive manner

Gibson Gothic LP (Drop C#, ZW 10-60)>ZW MXR (gain next to zero, tone 11:30, level 12:30)> Pete1087: more mids L, scoop mids R>Mesa oversized 2x12 v30s> 2 57s (Germanium, ACM 84)> Roland fx (besides the occassional evh phaser), but guitars take turns & swell in and out at crosssections, and you can hear the reverb from the tiled floor and high ceilings. Interesting to note that all the guitars are 1087- including the cleaner sections.

After I lay some drums, I'll have to re-record the axes with a tighter sounding room- maybe some carpet or something to deaden the sound- all that tile slapback is inappropriate for this genre

I planned on recording a bit with my stock 1086 to give the drastic differences, but setup has been torn down, so the comparison would have too many variables...maybe next time
Darn I wish I could listen to that at work....would sure break up the monotony!
Dude....I liked it! When I try to does the module no justice.
Makes it sound thin. I need to get a tech head over to get some good recordings. But sounds good. I love "stoner" metal!
Love "DRUNKEN" Metal a little more though! :D
That will be going down in about 30 minutes when my drummer gets over......... 8)
Great clip. i can't wait to hear mine; i don't have a MTS amp yet, but i bought a mod'd 1086 from srommes last month. I'm trying to sell some stuff to get the money for a RM50 combo, but no one is buying. anyone interested in a clarinet? once i sell that, i can sell my Line 6 Spider, and then i will have enough money to get the combo.

anyway, amazing clip, i hope to hear more.