Put the Svet6550s back in by RM50HB - youtube suckage!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
biased right around 42...rig sounds epic today...that is all! :twisted:


Don't mind the player :oops:

...annotations to come soon. Funny feeling I left the BB PRE-AMP on for half/most of it! :p

I think that 'tearing' sound all the high gainers seem to get comes a lot from the 'ittle mic on the camera...although I've noticed it's there some when I've tried sm57s too...so must be inherent in the speakers and the way I have it dialed too :?
shred-o-holic said:
Of all those tones I still liked the Pete Orange Recto the best..

Me too...but I got to come up with a better recording method..and more inspired playing when I'm recording :-/
tehuk said:
My fave was the COD, with a big boost you could be in MARK territory.

I think the BB Pre-amp might've been on already...oops :D
Thanks bro, you made my day at work- I can't download soundclip on my iphone (?) but youtube is a yes- nice job!

I may have to make some videos soon, looks like fun