Question about Volumes

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this has been asked before, but since search engines rarely return the desired results.....

I run the Amp MV at noon, and the module levels at around noon. It's just a preference. I've played around with them with the levels wide open and the MV lower, and the MV high and the levels lower. I like the channel levels at noon. I can run the Amp MV at noon or higher if I need to.

Also keep in mind I do not use the FX loop. And I also noticed absolutely no difference in tone running the Effects knob at full or off since I have nothing to regulate. Some people say it makes a difference, but I sure can't hear it.
+1 to julia

I always run my channel volume at noon, and adjust the master to whatever my needs are at the time.
Modules at noon, master as close to noon as required. I'm running my amp at 50 watts right now so I can get a bit more grit from the power tubes at practice without deafening us. I run the FX Level all the way up because I notice the difference. It seems to be thinner sounding with the knob down, and beefier with the knob up. I might try one of my EHX 12AX7's in the FX section to see if it changes anything.
I'm running two Svetlana EL34's right now at about 32-33mV. The FX level knob helps make up for the lack for girth when you take out the other two tubes, but then I still run the knob all the way up even when I'm running the 5881's too :lol: I'd like to experiment with it lower, but it just sounds so full and complete with the knob up. Might get more of the grit and grind I'm looking for with it down some though ;) In fact, I found I get more midrange presence when I turn my presence and density knobs down some, so instead of running them at noon now, I run them around 10:00-11:00. Sounds great, too!

I'd eventually like to try 6550's though, as I've heard nothing but great things about them! And I would be able to help confirm if that knob twist effects the tone with those fat tubes, too, or if it's just your ears, Julia :)
Well, I've got stuff plugged in front of the amp like fuzzes (yes it's plural), treble boost, overdrives, EQ, and an envelope filter. All true bypass except for the TS808. I use them mostly with my G&L Legacy, and sometimes with medium output HBs. Honestly I couldn't tell the difference with the Effects loop knob turned all the way up vs. off -- I guess it really might make a little difference if you plugged a jumper wire in the loop from the send to the return, or if I actually had something in it.
I'd like to try a wire in the loops next, actually. I think I have one that will still work... I'll hook it up tomorrow at practice :D
I messed with this a bit tonight...

Master at about 11:00, use the mods for volume - a bit brighter than the other way around. I think I'll continue to do it that way. When the loop (with effects in it) is at 100%, it's louder. Might even sound a little better.