Question for modders

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Soon I want to send in my rack gear(rm4 and rt2/50)into my local Randall tech for a check up.Some static sound at the end of a note bothers me,makes staccatto sound sloppy.My question is...Should or can I send in my gear with the modded moduals in them?I would assume he would need to check them when trouble shooting.Just checking if it would infringe on any modder secrets.
The best course of action would be to isolate the problem before shipping anything. Your problem could be any number of issues including bad cables, bad tubes, bad speakers, bad pickups, etc. First make sure it is indeed either the power or pre amp that is causing the issue.

Try running a different pre or use the FX send on any head with a loop to determine if it is the RT2/50 or the RM4. Once you have the problem isolated, I would change out the preamp tubes one by one to see if that fixes the problem first. Then try swapping power tubes if that yields no result.

From the description of the problem it sounds like either a tube or a cable.
I'll check my cables first,seems to me it still does it while playing my RM50.The Randall tech is here in Sarnia,just down the road.If I do decide to give it to him,is it ok to send the modded moduals with it.I see you guys not wanting gut shots of these moduals put online.