Quick GRAIL tone sample using a 2 mic technique.

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2007
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Las Vegas
Was quickly recording the Grail tone using 2 SM57's. One in the center one a couple inches from the edge of the cone. For some reason I never did it before but what a huge difference it makes to get an all over speaker tone. Just running the grail and the Line6 M13 tubescreamer in front of it. Nothing other then trying to get a tone so just noodling with some cords. Sounds extremely huge through my Mackie HR824's.

Very nice! That's an interesting mic'ing technique...I've heard of similar things but have not tried them personally as once I got a Sennheiser E906 and stuck it anywhere near a speaker - I was done...I wrestled SM57s for years...When you hit the sweet spot with them, it's amazing...WIth the E906s, you get amazing results just getting close to the sweet spot and there's much to play with in moving it a few inches - but you never lose that sweetness...

Yet, the SM57s will come out again tonight!
I couldn't decided if I like the center cone or the more low end so I just did both at once straight into a bluetube mic pre. I probably need to pull down the lowend side a little but its way better than center cone treble.
Yep sounds great - captures some of that MESA growl we love from the Grail
Nice job capturing that...was it recorded at quite a low volume too?