rack gear idee for randall/egnater suggestions

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Feb 6, 2009
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i all!

i ask me a question ?
is it possible for randall/egnater to design some news pr?amp for mts series ? for offerring a maximum of options and possibility...

first, they can make a 2 channels pr?amp chassi as the RM4 but with only 2 modules inside like the RM 50 H pr?amp section... less expensive but same quality !
what do you this of that, isn' t good idee ? it can ask RM2 for exemple...

seconde, they can make a 4 channels pr?amp chassi as the RM4 but dual tone like the actuals digital amps simulator (boss gt8 or pod x3...). you can use 2 preamps modules at the same time for routing in the RT2/50 power amp in stereo mod or 2 differents power amps. top idee, isn't it ? it can ask RM4/2 or RM2x2 for exemple...
i suppose the last one is complicate for the loops sections... but, is the loops sections are realy impotant ? not for all guitarist... not for me !

if you have other suggestions, come on !!! :D

sorry for my english lenguage, i'm fucking frensh (but randall player) !
egnater makes an M2 which may fit one of your ideas

I'd prefer more modules over design changes- including professional modification lines by Pete, DFriedman, & Salvation, and who's that guy that has the rm100 transformer upgrades? let's get him on the payroll too!- and a team of oompa loompas that perform the grunt work to make them readily available

Bringing back the Brown and Modern would be advisable!
crankyrayhanky said:
egnater makes an M2 which may fit one of your ideas

I'd prefer more modules over design changes- including professional modification lines by Pete, DFriedman, & Salvation, and who's that guy that has the rm100 transformer upgrades? let's get him on the payroll too!- and a team of oompa loompas that perform the grunt work to make them readily available

Bringing back the Brown and Modern would be advisable!

Where so I find one of those M2s you speak of?? I would love one of those!!
google rigtalk egnater
I'm not sure how available they are, Egnater's great but can take time to wait for the build, I think they may be made to order

I think M2 can go in an fx loop and give more mods to pick from live, but I don 't know the particulars
crankyrayhanky said:
I'd prefer more modules over design changes- including professional modification lines by Pete, DFriedman, & Salvation, and who's that guy that has the rm100 transformer upgrades? let's get him on the payroll too!- and a team of oompa loompas that perform the grunt work to make them readily available

Bringing back the Brown and Modern would be advisable!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :wink:
I've had that exact same idea since I first got the M4.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Add in a single space, RT2/20 and you've got everything ever.
Zack said:
Add in a single space, RT2/20 and you've got everything ever.

Yes this^. A single-space tube poweramp with EL84's to rival the Mesa 20/20 would be epic. Randall, you should consider this!!!
The M2 is actually the E2 and is not yet available.

Personally a small and lighter single channel power amp - half a RT2/50 with a lighter tranny. If they limit it to EL34's and 6L6's it wouldn't bother me.
I wouldn't mind a 1u power based on the RM20 power section - or possibly two rm20 power sections that can be run as either a stereo amp or a mono setup in a bridged mode for double the power. I can really get some great tones out of my RM20 head, and it would knock of a ton of weight compared to my VHT (though I love the vht - but my rack weighs in right around 100 lbs in a 6 space - any weight relief would be very welcome.)
ned said:
Personally a small and lighter single channel power amp - half a RT2/50 with a lighter tranny. If they limit it to EL34's and 6L6's it wouldn't bother me.
+1 - The RT2/50 is a beast and often times has way more power than I need. Half of an RT2/50 would be perfect!
Definitely RM2.
This can be IMO real breakthrough. Lot of people don?t want to change their gear for "Randall simulator", but to have one or two completly different new sounds, without buying new heads, this is real deal. Of course for reasonable price, i f I consider that M(E)2 will cost around 400$ empty, what is price for Randall RM2? 300 or 250$ ???
Exactly how is written in this intie:

Smaller power amp would be sweet too. RT2/20 dual channel 6V6 / EL84 for example.

RM12 is only for showing room or maybe for studio.
imho 6 modules cover sound range completely, rest is only small differencies in details. and it is too big and heavy too :)