recording '?' and recomendations

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
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heres what i'd like to do, record using cab sims.

i have an audio interface and daw up and going. able to get and record guitars. i have selected a cab sim prog, but not using it yet.

here are my question, i have no experience here, so bare with me

i have an rm100, what output is best to use... slave, reg output with a load/hotplate. i'd liek to record my amp after the power section.

all recommendations are appreciated
If you are going to use cab sims I would use the slave out. Make sure you still have a cab connected to your head though.
thanks jack. i'm aware of the load issue with the relation between the head and cab, good looking out though. that might help someone reading here who may not know.

using the slave out, i guessed that output was after the power section. is this correct?

and using the slave out, i'm gonna guess i dont need the load replicator wiht the cab hooked up to the head...

thanks again
For cab sims use the slave out, but it's probably between your pre and power sections. I believe the Hotplate can be used as a dummy load, so make sure you connect your amp to it still and set for load.

What cab sims are you using?
You don't need to use the slave out. It's before the power section.

Okay, here's what I do.... Keep it simple.

I've got an RM100. I've got a Hot Plate. I'm in a situation I can't really record with mic. So I still have my speakers connected to the hot plate and the hot plate to the amp. I talked to the folks at THD about this. I do it this way so I can use whatever effects on the track that I've set up in my rackmount MFX unit (and this saves using some effects plugins which saves processor power).

Those switches for the bright and deep on the front? They work the opposite on the line out. The line out also has a level pot. As you increase your attenuation you'll need to turn up the level pot because it taps the signal after the reactive load.

So basically I take a direct tap off the Line Out of the Hot Plate (I use attenuation at 0 db or maybe 4 db at most), and run that into the input of my Presonus Studio Channel (you can go direct into your interface, but I do some pre-input EQing). Also this gives me some additional control over level. And from there into my interface, making sure the level doesn't clip the interface.

If you run Load or -16 you'll need to turn up the output from the Line Out. I don't have a problem with ground loops. If you do you can always stick a JDI in between the Hot Plate and your interface and use the ground button.

Then once this is set up, slap on a good set of cans, and record your track. You get to monitor your playing direct from your speakers which are loud enough to blow by any "soundproof" headphones with zero latency while you hear the drum track or whatever you're playing along with.

I use Pro Tools. My cab models come from Eleven Free (which comes with Marshall 425 loaded with Greenbacks, and a Marshall cab loaded with Vintage 30s). I also have Audio Ease Cabinet which has 5 more. My favorite is the Greenbacks because I don't have to tweak my tone since that's what I use live.