RH150G3 is it just mine thats crappy?

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May 18, 2008
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I have had mine for a year now, bought new as a backup and thankfully have never needed it. Sounded awesome at the store but later on used at practice and the gain sounds horrible! The clean channel works fine though. When I use the gain I cannot get a good sounding chunk outa it. The only way to describe it is a thin woofing kinda sound. I never use any distortion pedals and don't really want to but I ran one through the clean and it was awesome. I called Randall and they told me to replace the 12at7 tube,I did with a groove tube 12ax7c and it sounded great but only for about two or three weeks with minimal use. I bought another 12ax7r and within seconds fried my transformer. Now I just got it back from warrenty repair and I get the same sound as before. I am not sure if its worth keeping this amp or what. My main amp is RH200sc that has always worked like a charm. Anyone else havin problems like this? I just don't want to keep buying tubes every month! Thanks
The gain channel on my RH300 sucks, in my opinion.

I use 2 or 3 different distortion pedals through the clean channel and they sound great!

Once I have more money I think I will be replacing the head with something else. I want a Rivera Knucklehead!!

I've tried many things and just can't get a great distortion tone from mine, either :(
I've got an RH-150 and i hate it. it's got some kinda funky low frequency problem going on I have to run my bass at just above zero to get any kind of usable volume . Even at moderate volumes any cabinet i hook it to just farts out. have tried different cabinets have even tried putting an eq in the loop and no luck. I'm trying to get rid of it now
so I did hear that this amp is pretty bass freq. heavy so what is it a total piece or is it even worth me upgrading to??
I had one for about 5 months, I thought the distortion was ok, loved it with a Zakk wylde overdrive in front of it. But I absolutely HATED the clean channel! Now I've UPGRADED to a V2, and the only effect I use is a wah. But on the V2 all 4 tubes need to be changed. And the clean channel is far better to me. But I would expect such from an amp 2 times the cost. But both amps have alot of bass response, but the V2 you can control that frequency better due to the 6-band Eq and master Density controls.
hey, yeah i get the same **** thing...

The clean sounds great, but the gain channels sound like typewriters eating tinfoil being kicked down the stairs. Im really wanting to find out what the hell is wrong because this is my main amp damnit.

well if its a tube problem then its easily fixed i guess, ive heard that it could be the cab that effects the sound too much but the bulls%*t alarm went off in my head over that.

unfortunately i bought mine over the net so i cant really get much for warranty..

have you found any solutions since you last posted??

i think the 12at7 is in there for a reason and changing it to a 12ax7 is probably what blew whosever tranny that was, ditch the sss and get the mts, i'd call that an upgrade :wink:
So I've had an RH150 for about 2 years. When I was at the store, it sounded good, but when I got it home, I could never get the tone I wanted.

So I ended up getting an external pedal to get the distortion close to what I want... But it's still not there.

I've gotten into tube receivers (vintage stuff) and have been doing a LOT of research on tubes lately. I know that it's a 12AT7 in there, but I was curious to the brand. The stock Electro-Harmonix are good tubes, but I know certain tubes will produce different tones than others. I used http://thetubestore.com to read their FAQ's and found that you can swap the 12AT7 with a 5751, so I ordered a Jan-Philips 5751.

This is what their site says about them.

"The JAN-Philips 5751 is our first choice for taming high gain guitar amps while vastly improving the clarity, smoothness, and vintage tone! They still have plenty of gain so if you have a high-gain preamp that does not have that classic crunch characteristic, the 5751 tube will do wonders."

It's rated slightly higher on output than a 12AT7, but not as high as the 12AX7 which can damage the RH150.

The tube costs $20 and is a cheap and easy upgrade to your RH150. Give it a shot. Might be the sound you're looking for.

Hope this helps!