RM 20

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riff man

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
From the Waves
i recently got to try a RM 20.. i thought it was going to be smaller in size !!.. anyway's i plugged a topboost in it threw the coil tap switch to on and man o man .... what a great little amp ...and with tonnes of cool features like boost/gain...silent recording !!!! a green back ....

what a cool little amp !!!!! i will add this to my collection one day !!!!
my RM20 was one of the best purchases I've ever made.

For years, I've wanted a small amp that can
A. sit in my living room and be a perfect practice amp, and
B. Work well on small NYC gigs in tiny bars, but sound huge.

I've always been toying around with tiny fender amps, and various distortion pedals, but never being really satisfied with the tones.

Now, with the RM20, I can do it all. Sounds and looks great in my living room. If I want to shred, I pop in the 1086. Beatles covers? Top Boost. Gig out in NYC with my band, and don't want to take my Egnater rig? Pop in an egnater module, OR the 1086.

It's just so versatile, and toneful. and I don't have to rely on a solid-state box to get my heavy overdrive tones.
What cabinets are you guys using with your RM20? I got one in this deal I made the other day for my Lynch Box but haven't used it yet.
i don't own a RM20 , i just got the chance to play one ..and loved it ..i got a big o' rack rig , with Randall XL cab w/ v30' and love it as well...
I'm using the RM20 combo.

I've swapped out a couple of speakers in there, and the Greenback certainly does sound the best.

Since the amp only really puts out 18-20 watts, the 25 watt celestion is a good match.

A 60 watt V30 in there... the RM20 just cound't really "wake it up" per se. Stick with the greenbacks.
anybody have the measurements of the 20 head box? Looks like it sits nicely on a 1x12, but I cant find the measurements.
Jack Napalm said:
What cabinets are you guys using with your RM20? I got one in this deal I made the other day for my Lynch Box but haven't used it yet.

I've used the Randall 2x12 which sounds awesome, and my Bogner 4x12 which freakin' KILLS. Just takes away the whole idea about portability... I need to check out a Bogner 1x12 or one of the Mesa Thiele 1x12s. I bet that combination would be amazing.

okstrat said:
Jack Napalm said:
What cabinets are you guys using with your RM20? I got one in this deal I made the other day for my Lynch Box but haven't used it yet.

I've used the Randall 2x12 which sounds awesome, and my Bogner 4x12 which freakin' KILLS. Just takes away the whole idea about portability... I need to check out a Bogner 1x12 or one of the Mesa Thiele 1x12s. I bet that combination would be amazing.

I use a Bogner 1x12 loaded with a 65 watt Celestion. Very nice indeed!!!