Rm 50 vs Rm 100

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2008
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I am gonna get a backup amp one of these days and would prefer a 50 head, but these are getting really hard to find. Sure wish I would have done it when they were around more but no.... I sure don't need 100 watts but I can pull tubes to get 50. How about opinions on the 100 watt amp with the 2 tubes pulled. Does it change the way the amp reacts in any way or is it just a loudness issue. The 50 is such a great amp for Marshall based modules with el34's. So lets hear it, is the 100 better than the 50? Any difference?
You can't go wrong with either but the RM50 heads have built-in reverb which is nice for live....It only weighs one ****-ton and not 4 like the RM100...

Unless you need a 3 module backup, I'd say RM50 all the way...Mine sounds awesome...Just as awesome as the 100 just not quite as powerful....50 tubes watts is plenty for almost every playing situation anyway....

Just my .01 ... I'll add another later....
I know, who needs 100 watts anymore. Yes the built in reverb is a real plus. I use it sparingly but it is always just cracked to give a little space. Matt when you choose to turn on one or the other at home playing, which one comes on? Is the 50 more saggy than the 100. I know I have asked before about some of these things, but a new thread opens up new opinions :lol:
Mike361 said:
I know, who needs 100 watts anymore. Yes the built in reverb is a real plus. I use it sparingly but it is always just cracked to give a little space. Matt when you choose to turn on one or the other at home playing, which one comes on? Is the 50 more saggy than the 100. I know I have asked before about some of these things, but a new thread opens up new opinions :lol:

Hmmm...I don't know...I finally fixed the resistor issue on my RM50 so EL34s hold proper bias and I'm not sure. I had to run 6L6s up until just recently (I used Ruby 6L6xxxSTRs) cause they sounded most like EL34s...I'm getting used to it...Plus the RM100 uses the 412 with neos and the RM50 uses the Eggie 212 with Greenbacks...Not sure it's a fair comparison but the the same cab, they are what you'd probably expect. Not staggeringly different.

Anyway I use my heads a lot more than the rack stuff and the modules tend to stay put there...But I do occasionally reconfigure...

In the RM50 I have
1. Plexitweed
2. Camerock

In the RM100
1. Baseman
2. Stoner AD
3. Stonerverb Starz

Don't know if that helps but if I just wanna noodle at home, I use the 100. I just tend to go there not sure it's preference or habit...I guess having a clean, crunch, and lead are helpful too...
Just pulling two output valves is never quite that straight forward, you know. Output impedance and all that. And it means more output iron, which translates to lower power yet less sag. Also the valves will wear more quickly.

Then cutting two sockets out and having the output trannie replaced with an appropriate one isn't that costy. Further more if verified that the components values are identical through out you could have the power trannie replaced as well and you technically have an RM50.
Yeah I know. I had a friends 5 watt dimmed and it was almost as loud as the 50.
I originally owned a 100 watt RM100 head... Found a good deal on a 50 and found that I like the feel of the 50 much more plus it has good reverb...sort of like the difference between a 50 and 100 watt Marshall....
sold the 100... now have an RM50 combo and 2 heads....I am a sick person
I'm with everyone else here... I had a rm100 and I had the rm50 first, the rm100 was sold in a 7 day eBay auction 8 days after I got it.. There is just something about the bite in the 50 that makes great for live and particuarly tracking.
Interesting. I have had 2 RM50's and 2 RM100's. I liked both of the 100's much more than the 50's.
the rm100 is great 3 channels and sounds great loud but i personally like the sound of the rm50 much better as you can get the tubes nice and warm at lower volumes and the only minus about the rm50 is its only 2 channels but if you only need 2 channels go with the rm50!
Either way, use an attenuator.

The weber MASS is the single best thing I have ever done for my tone. I can run the amp at the sweet spot(6-7 on the master) then cut it down with the attenuator. It's great.

It's also nice because it has a line out, so you can capture the power section when using IR's.
so do none of the 100 watt heads have reverb? I thought I saw someone say that their 100 watter had reverb, maybe I read that wrong but if anyone knows that would be great as Randalls website has become a pain to find info on.