RM100 combo- help and suggestions

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
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I'm waiting for an RM100 combo to arrive at my local dealer. I'm really psyched to check it out. In the meantime, I'm hoping you guys can answer a few questions:
I have owned most major brands on the market (Boogies,Fender,Marshall,Laney,Crate,Rivera...), my needs are always the same:
1- An amp that can cut a jazz gig, a convincing jazz tone, ala.Wes/Metheny, but also contain a kick *** high gain, ala.Lukather/Dann Huff, one of my favorite gain tone is Lukather's Custom Audio amp tone.
2- Enough headroom for clean jazz, most 1X12 combos I've uesed fall short in this dept. That's why I'm looking into the 2X12, but the weight may cause an issue.

Lastly, I'm a tone fanatic who has always been a tube devotee from day one. I'm really skeptical of the amp module, hated the Line6 stuff, although i have their stuff for my studio, for some recording purposes. What do you guys here think of the sound quality of these modules? I mean do the Bassman actually sounds and plays like the feel of a real Bassman? This is a subjective area here, but I really like to hear what the users on this board have to say.
Thanks in advance
For the most part the modules sound pretty close to what they are modelled after. The main difference for me is that the randall stuff seems to have more gain than the originals. I wouldn't even compare the modular stuff to a Line6 unit. The randall/egnater stuff sounds as good as any tube amp out there. I've owned a Triaxis/2:90, a Rivera M100, and a Laney VH100R and the Randall modules I've owned have satisfied my musical tastes. However, I do miss those 3 amps that I just named. :(

lucidness said:
For the most part the modules sound pretty close to what they are modelled after. The main difference for me is that the randall stuff seems to have more gain than the originals. I wouldn't even compare the modular stuff to a Line6 unit. The randall/egnater stuff sounds as good as any tube amp out there. I've owned a Triaxis/2:90, a Rivera M100, and a Laney VH100R and the Randall modules I've owned have satisfied my musical tastes. However, I do miss those 3 amps that I just named. :(


thanks a lot for your input. I'm glad to hear that the modules do produce true tube amp sounds and feel. I've used Triaxis and Riveras in the past too. Just curious, which MTS series are you running? Man, if their Bogner Ecstasy module sounds anything like the real thing, I'm there!
I just did some recording, and on one song I used a vintage Fender blackface twin and my rhythm guitarist opted to use my RM-100 with Fender modules instead of his Dual Rec. The Randall sounds just as good, (and depending on your tastes, maybe even better??)

As far as what you're lookin for Tung, you have the greatest chance of success if you go the MTS route. With any other amp, you're gonna Like the clean channel but think the Distortion channel sucks and vice versa. Keep in mind that the Egnater gear is compatible with Randall so the possibilites are virtually endless. Brue Egnater will even build you a custom module to fit your tastes if you so desire.

Also, I know that I'm in the minority but I for one LOVE the Tweed (bassman) module.
finelinebilly said:
As far as what you're lookin for Tung, you have the greatest chance of success if you go the MTS route. With any other amp, you're gonna Like the clean channel but think the Distortion channel sucks and vice versa. Keep in mind that the Egnater gear is compatible with Randall so the possibilites are virtually endless. Brue Egnater will even build you a custom module to fit your tastes if you so desire.

Also, I know that I'm in the minority but I for one LOVE the Tweed (bassman) module.
Yes, you took the words right out of my mouth. There has been countless amps I've owned that would get good clean, but the gain is just terrible (my Twin Re-issue). Then there's a host of great high gain amps, but crappy headroom for clean (5150, rectifier).
I'm running two amps all the time now to compensate for each amp's inherent weakness, much fuller spectrum, but I want to go with the MTS versatility.
What is your set up?
Thanks for the help.
Well, my dealer finally got the RM100 head and the Lynch Box in, I'm going down to try it out (even with this mountain of snow we got over here). Looking forward to it. When I originally posted this, I was looking to get the combo, but now I'm kind of leaning toward a head and a 2x12, reason being 1- the combo supposedly weighed a ton
2- headroom is an issue for me, I do need clean headroom at loud volume for jazz and jazz/fusion type gigs

Any suggestions from you guys would be greatly appreciated