RM100 Effects Loop ON/OFF Switch???

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Jul 7, 2006
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I'd like to know how I can get an ON/OFF switch happening for the RM100. It's pretty much the only thing holding me back from buying one right now.

The footswitches designated for use with the RM100 have 1 switch or 3 switches, but only function to change the module channels.

The footswitch for the T2 has 3 channel switches, and an Effects Loop on/off switch.

Since these are both using the MIDI protocol, is there any chance the T2 pedal would work with the RM100 and work to turn the Effects Loop on/off or is this simply impossible to do with the RM100 ?

Any info ASAP would be greatly appreciated!
I think you may need to call Randall for this info, or send Bruce Egnater an email on it. He seems to be pretty good about answering his emails.
I dont think theres a way you can do that, but you could put a A/B switch in the loop with ur effects being A and a bypass to B so when you switched to A your effects would be on and B would be off, just a thought.