RM100 / G-Major Users - Help!

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Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I've finally got round to wiring up my RM100 with my G-Major - been gigging the past year with a Powerball - had the Randall for ages - and now have a week to get it all set up.

Problem I'm having is with levels - if I turn the modules up past 12 o'clock it seems to start clipping the G-Major (parallel loop) - does anyone have any advice on how to set up the amp or the G-Major in this regard?

Thanks as always

Check the input trim value on the G-Major.

I also run my modules around noon, but don't have the clipping problem. It's been about a year since I set up the two, so I don't remember if I had any issues right off the bat.

First, set your levels for the amp--master vs. module volume or vice versa without the G-Major off or disconnected, etc.

Second, The G-Major has a setting for Consumer or Professional--make sure it's set for Professional. Also, there is a setting for parallel loops called "Kill dry", make sure that's set.

Third, like previous post, adjust the input trim on G-Major to accommodate the amp's output signal. The G-Major's output control can be used to adjust your overall volume.

Hope this helps
Should the G-Major be set to 100% wet? Is there a global parameter for doing so, because I wasn unable to find it. Does that mean I have to go through each patch and set it to 100% wet?
Unfortunately you cannot mix wet/dry signal on a per preset basis. This was the main reason I sold mine. IIRC the KillDry parameter is in the Global Settings menu (where you set the Global Levels, etc.). Turning KillDry On will kill the dry signal in all presets leaving 100% wet. Just remember that with KillDry enabled only the time based effects (reverb, delay) will sound right.
There is also something to think about with the 'Kill Dry' setting, only the more recent models have it. You can accomplish the same thing by setting each effect to 100% wet.

I don't remember exactly when the newer models with Kill Dry feature hit the market, but I think it's only been about 18 months or so. I bought mine new a little over a year ago and it seems like that was right around when the newer versions were released.

axecellent said:
I don't remember exactly when the newer models with Kill Dry feature hit the market, but I think it's only been about 18 months or so. I bought mine new a little over a year ago and it seems like that was right around when the newer versions were released.

If "kill dry" is a newer feature then it is available through the TC software updates. I bought mine about 6 years ago and it had "kill dry", but I also updated the software, so maybe that's how I had it.

ugg said:
Just remember that with KillDry enabled only the time based effects (reverb, delay) will sound right.

...as well as, modulation fx. Dynamic fx like comp's, gates, eq are pretty much useless (defeated) in a parallel loop.

:shock: so what i'm basically hearing here is that you would have to basically choose which types effects you want to run --->Modulation etc types or the time based :cry: .... can the unti be split and run to different loop's ( somewhat like a boss unit can do via the 4 cable method which i used to do in past in my last rig set up )
i am in the market. and researching for an effect's unit..and the G-major was a fore runner ..but the more i read into ..it's flexibility seems to be lacking ...can anyone clear this upor expand on it ??? i find the review's of the unit to be more or less verbal diarrea... i'd rather hear from user's them self 8)
riff man said:
:shock: so what i'm basically hearing here is that you would have to basically choose which types effects you want to run --->Modulation etc types or the time based :cry: .... can the unti be split and run to different loop's ( somewhat like a boss unit can do via the 4 cable method which i used to do in past in my last rig set up )
i am in the market. and researching for an effect's unit..and the G-major was a fore runner ..but the more i read into ..it's flexibility seems to be lacking ...can anyone clear this upor expand on it ??? i find the review's of the unit to be more or less verbal diarrea... i'd rather hear from user's them self 8)

If I had a G-Major I wouldn't run it parallel. The feature I found really nice about it is the ability to chain the fx in series, semi-parallel, or parallel within the unit itself. To take full advantage of that you'd have to cable your preamp directly into the G-Major or into the serial loop. This method will let you use everything the G-Major has to offer. From within the unit, the levels for time-based fx can be adjusted for your wet/dry mix and the dynamic fx process your original signal rather than a parallel (auxiliary) signal.

I'm pretty sure the 4 cable method won't work. I believe the unit will detect either a mono or stereo input, rather than dual mono input for independent processing--nulling any fx assignments to only one input and assigning other fx to the other input. In a nutshell, the 4CM is typically used with a unit that has it's own loop(s).

Hope this helps.

thanks for the insight Scott...it kind of clears the mud a little as i'm new to rack world !!! does the G-major colour or rob tone in the serial loop ????
The only time I noticed any tone suck was when it was in bypass mode. Even then it wasn't bad. It didn't play any role in me selling it. Opinions are all over the place about G-Major and tone suck. I think you'd have to judge for yourself.

I think the Kill Dry and EQ were both part of a firmware update. That's why the EQ is under the gate section and doesn't have its own on/off button.
