RM100 - Some questions...

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Jan 11, 2011
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My name is Niklas, I'm from Sweden, and this is my first post on the forum but I've been checking it out for awhile.

I recently bought a new RM100 combo and four modules (2 Blackfaces, 1 Top Boost, and 1 Brahma, all with black faceplates).

It has E34Ls in the power section and I run it together with a closed extension cab loaded with V30s.

Yesterday I cranked it up for the first time and there's somethings that I find disturbing.

First of all there's too little overall bottom end, after some tweaking I settled with the density at 3 o' clock and presence at 9 o' clock. I also switched one the V30s in the cab with one of the G12Hs in the cab putting them in a "cross pattern". That helped a little and I don't have to tweak the amp when not using the cab.

Just for comparison, I also own an '73 BF-modded Fender Deluxe Reverb with an open back and one single speaker. I get more bottom end with the DR than the RM100.

Second, I hear very little difference between the modules. It's just more or less bass and/or gain. I reckon the power amp has something to do with this and I can take that but it's still annoying. Maybe a post in the modules-section regarding this would be better?

Third, It seems like the input stage doesn't like high input. I don't use active pick-ups but different ODs in front of the amp. But the worst is when I kick in my Bud-Wah, which has a built-in boost. It just sounds like crap, I don't know the word for it but it sounds like some unnatural clipping.

So, my questions are:

1. Would, e.g., 6L6s increase the overall bass? According to Randall's site the combo should come with those tubes but didn't.

2. I'll take this in the modules-section...

3. Is there anything I can do regarding the input making it less sensetive to high signal?

I really like the MTS concept and with all the modders out there you could probably get a killer amp but now I feel it's only halfway there. I know it can sound great, even with the stock mods, after listening to clips. I really don't wanna give it up just yet.


I think tube swapping might be the best initial solution for you.
1. I thought EL34s were pretty dark and "bassy" already.

2. Obviously the 2 Blackface mods should sound very much alike if not exact. I would expect the Top boost to have more gain than the Blackface, but less than the Brahma. I have not owned any of these modules, but I would think they are voiced differently. Again depending on what you want/expect out of each module, tube swapping might be the best starting point. From there probably having a modder (Anthony) since you are on the other side of the pond, mod the modules for you.
What type of sound are you going for?

3. Definately try some different tubes. I ran into the same problem, which annoyed me with the KH1. I now have a 12AU7 for the input tube in my RM4. It makes a big difference. I don't have to roll off the volume on a clean module to keep it from distorting. Now I can hit the front end with a boost or OD if I need it to distort or break up a little.
Mattfig and others are fond of the Jan 5751 preamp tubes. Usually they will replace V1 of the module with these. I would suggest looking for tubes similar to these in regards to gain and replacing the input tube of the amp & possibly V1 of module if it still has issues with clipping.
Ok, so I'll simply have to test new tubes.

Regarding manufacturers of tubes, is there anyone that's preferred? I've been looking at these:




I'm gonna look for 6L6s too...


Although the range of tubes in the local musicstores here in Gothemburg, Sweden isn't as big as the european webshops I didn't have the patience to wait. It wouldn't be much cheaper either.

So I went with a Ruby 12AU7A-C for V1 and four JJ 6L6GC. Hopefully these will do the trick. Gonna try 'em out on Wednesday.

Well, the 12AU/7did the trick and I went full out with the 6L6's... My kind of bag,,, Next to the modules---
