RM100 - What Effects Unit?

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Mar 5, 2007
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What are RM100 guys here using for rack effects? I'm looking for a unit with delays and chorus with a switcher that'll allow me to switch the effects and the amp.


You don't really need the effects unit to do switching. RM100 is midi so just send midi information through the RM100 to effects units ... wa la it changes channels while simultaneously changing effects programs.

I don't have RM100 (RM50 and Egnater MOD 50) but I use Rocktron Replifex. The most popular units I have noted in use by others here on the forum seem to be Rocktron Intellifex, Replifex and T.C. Electronics G-system and G-force.
A second vote for the G-system. TC really know choruses and delays. The reverbs and modulation effects also are top notch. One could have wished for slightly more dynamic range for this unit, but if you have a parallell loop you can get by with the three lead patching and headroom is not much of a problem.


Excellent effects unit and a great modeler as well. Well beyond what the pod does. The effects are just stellar though, very intuitive and easy to program.
I'm in the same boat and have been doing a little research on this topic myself. I've posted on other forums and of course you get all kinds of answers but the ones that are recommended consistently are:

Rocktron Replifex
Rocktron Intellifex
Rocktron Intelliverb
TC Electronic G-Major
Lexicon MPX-1
Yamaha SPX 900

A friend who has used Lexicon gear for years says that even thier low end stuff like the MX 200 is pretty good, particularly for reverb and delay.

I once had the G-Major for a short time and I can vouch for the sound quality. Unfortunately I needed money and it was sold before I got the chance to learn how to really use it.

One that is relatively new but looks good is the TC Electronic G-Sharp. I've almost talked myself into buying one based solely on the sound clips and TC's reputation (as well as a liberal return policy).
fretwire said:

What are RM100 guys here using for rack effects? I'm looking for a unit with delays and chorus with a switcher that'll allow me to switch the effects and the amp.


If your using high gain you may want a processor with a noise gate. Im using a Gmajor in the serial loop and it seems like a good match for the RM100.
I've been checking out the T.C. Electronics M350. It seems simple enough (knobs) to use and has all the effects that I need.

Anyone else out there have any experience with this unit. What about any Lexicon units??

Well I have a RM4 not an RM100 but ill chime in anyhow

I just sold my Lexicon MPX 1, It sounded great for what I used it for but it really kicked my butt by being difficult to operate (for me) Im on the waiting list for a Fractal Audio "Axe-Fx" I could care less about its modeling abilities which are supposed to be fantastic. Im getting for the effects alone. Theres a bunch of info on it here
Drew, I took a quick look. That is a cool piece of gear. I think they are right on the money talking about how the manafacturers are more interested in profit. I didn't have time to read it all. Are there multiple types af delays modeled in the Fractal? I love the way my Vox Tone Lab SE has funky lo-fi Echoplex and just general warm simulations, and a lot of them!
3 Mile Stone said:
Drew, I took a quick look. That is a cool piece of gear. I think they are right on the money talking about how the manafacturers are more interested in profit. I didn't have time to read it all. Are there multiple types af delays modeled in the Fractal? I love the way my Vox Tone Lab SE has funky lo-fi Echoplex and just general warm simulations, and a lot of them!

yes there are and if i understand the axe-fx correctly you can use a few of the delays more then once. One of the first guys to get one of these did some U2 tunes to show the flexibility of the delays. He nailed it pretty good in my opinion. The reverb on this is supposed to be on par with the big guns. If you get time its worth it to check out the samples and links.

I copied the list below from a post at the site

Axe-FX Effects
The Number to the right means how many instances of that effect you can have in the routing matrix.

1. Noise Gate (1)
2. Compressor (2)
3. Graphic Equalizer (2)
4. Parametric Equalizer (2)
5. Amplifier Emulator (2)
6. Cabinet Emulator (2)
7. Reverb (2)
8. Chorus (2)
9. Flanger (2)
10. Phaser (2)
11. Rotary Cabinet (2)
12. Wah-Wah (2)
13. Formant Synthesizer (1)
14. Tremolo/Panner (2)
15. Delay (2)
16. Multi-Delay (2)
17. Filter (2)
18. Pitch Shifter (1)
19. Drive (2)
20. Stereo Enhancer (1)
21. Mixer (2)
22. Effects Loop (1)
23. Feedback Send/Return (1)
Voodoo said:
I've been checking out the T.C. Electronics M350. It seems simple enough (knobs) to use and has all the effects that I need.

Anyone else out there have any experience with this unit. What about any Lexicon units??


A friend of mine who has the M350 says it's a fantastic unit but has a noticeable delay when switching patches. He suggested I try the G-Major or G-Sharp.

BTW, I bought a G-Major this weekend and so far I am loving it.