RM100M ISSUES that grind my gears

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
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I just received the RM100M head like a week ago or so
One thing I dont do is play loud mainly because I live in an apartment and I cant crank it up more than 2 or 3 but I have a half stack so I wont have to worry getting one later and I dont know whether not craking it up can really affect the sound of the module or whether its tube.I wont know till I find a place to ,which really sucks, I might just do it anyways.

my 3rd tube is actually not lighting up like the other ones and the tube failure light is not lighting up either ,so im not even sure what to do about that and I only have an ultra module hooked up and it sounds like a dirty clean and not even near distortion at all , I can try moving the tubes around to see its that or something else is up
Im not really enjoying this amp because I already have problems with it in less than a week.the Rm100 I have either suffered through some shipping damage or its not a good amp , Im starting to think that it was a waste of money to get a tube head than a solid state.
It might be a pain but if it's new you have a warranty of course.

Did you get a speaker cable yet? :D
The volume you have the power amp portion of the amp turned to(master volume) will have a PROFOUND effect on the sound of the amp. If you have, for example, the gain and master on the module turned up, but the master volume on the power amp nearly off, it will sound like a glorified effects box, and nothing at all that it is capable of. I don't know if you purchased the amp new. If it is factory new, then it would come with a matched set of output tubes that would look the same when lit. Mixed brand tubes can look different when lit and still be OK. The sound of a tube amp involves the entire sum of its parts. Hope this helps! Pat L.
If the tube doesn't light, it usually means the tube is defective as the part that glows, the "heater" is not receiving the voltage to "glow." However, sometimes, just pulling the tube out and putting it back in might fix it if the reason it's not glowing is due to not making good contact in its socket. To do this, first, shut the amp down, then, to remove the tube(s), hold the flat spring retainers down, and gently, rock the tube in a circular manner as you slowly pull the tube out. If you switch the tube that doesn't glow with one of the others that does and it then glows (in the socket of the tube that didn't glow) then it's probably the tube. Then, try the tube that didn't glow in one of the other sockets. If it then glows, then it was probably some dirt or oxidation in the socket or the pins on the tube. It's not very different than changing a light bulb. Hope this helps! Pat L.
First, you can get tubes from Randall parts. I also get tubes from <Doug's Tubes.com> You can tell them what amp you are getting tubes for, and they can give you great advice. I generally like JJ (brand). Hope this helps! Pat L.
agreed with earlier post, getting ANY tube up in volume will affect its sound. Usually for the better. But there is a dynamic here...the preamp volume plays off against the master volume, in terms of tone.
Thats why so many comanies make 6-30 watt tube amps....they are ,meant to be cranked...and still not deafen you.
But everybody has different ears....I love my Rm4 and Rt2/50, and it never gets above 5 on the master EVER.
If you're wanting the best, cranked tone out of your RM100 at lower levels, I think you're gonna wanna get a Marshall Powerbrake or a hot plate or something along those lines.
I've not used one with my RM100...but I know that some amps love them and some hate 'em.
yeah, so I switched up my tubes and that one that didnt light up was broken it was jingling and not good. it didnt work in another socket thing so I ordered some new ones on dougstubes thanks for your help everyone and for giving me that website
mordified_freak said:
yeah, so I switched up my tubes and that one that didnt light up was broken it was jingling and not good. it didnt work in another socket thing so I ordered some new ones on dougstubes thanks for your help everyone and for giving me that website

Given that it's an RM100 and has 4 power tubes you can run with 2 tubes safely if you change up the impedance.

Put two good power tubes in middle two sockets *or* outer two sockets

1. If you have a 16Ohm cab, set the head to 8Ohms
2. If you have an 8Ohm cab, set the head to 4Ohms
3. If you have a 4Ohm cab, don't do it.

Don't forget to set/check the bias (using a multimeter) to the correct range according to the manual. I assume you already checked the bias anyway so know how to do this.

IMPORTANT - don't forget you've done it, so when you get 4 tubes back in you re-set the load back to matching :D

It seems you are very new with tube heads so understand if you don't want to 'experiment' like this.
If you do eventually try 6V6's, they must be JJ tubes only, as they are the only ones currently available (see Egnater website) that can handle the plate voltage in the Randall amps. All the best! Pat L.