RM4 clips with Passive pickups,not EMGs

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
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Here are some clips that show PASSIVE pickups thru an RM4. The modules are Deluxe,TopBoost,Plexi and Ultra
I play some basic stuff..don't expect chops. I did it quick..the goal was to show how these modules work in bread and butter situations.
If you hear a little noise, the first section was done on a single coil pickup (neck) on my Strat. The rest were a stock HB.
Any questions, just ask. Id be happy to dialogue on this..and also to know what you think....sounds good? Are my modules sounding like yours? etc etc
This was a 2x12 cab miked up with an SM57
nuff talking ....go the URL below and check it out. -George :D

I see 52 people have read my post, probably most heard my audio clip.
...and still no one has made any comments, what is up with that?

The least any of you could do is give me some feedback,ok?
Im not asking alot...and I am sharing my time and effort to help us all know what things sound like, without having to drive many miles and hook up all kinds of gear.

I removed the audio clip from my website. There seemed no point to it.
I put in the time of recording in so others might hear what the RM4 sounds like, in exchange I expected a couple of comments..that would be usefull to me. Sort of like an exchange.
Well ...over 50 people used the clip and not a single comment. I need the bandwidth for other things, so I had to make decision.
I listened and your clip sounded good. For me, it would be hard to make a judgment based solely on passive pup's. If you played each module/riff with passive and active pup's back to back, you may have gotten a better turn out of responses.

My .02

BTW, I wanna hear "From the Inside" from start to finish.
yeah, certainly doing an A/B test would have been the best thing...but I dont own any EMGs (or any passive pickups ...maybe it's time for me to buy some...someone here said the 58 was a terriffic pickup that was kinda passive sounding..but thats another story..)
But I was just giving some clips for those people who use "old shool" gear. I do think passive pickups still have a long future in music.

So thanks for listening, even though it wasn't a glamorous clip.
And the entire "From the Inside"?...I will see about putting that up. Right now I am considering re-issuing that entire CD by my old band CODE BLUE. We were, and are, very proud of the music on that CD. In fact, the EP before it also means alot to Us. But after 8 years of playing in NY, we were weary and decided to take a little hiatus. But we (me and Nick are back at it and new songs are in the works.) Feel free to visit my site (myspace.com/georgebarrysolo) anytime for developments and songs. feel free to write. If memory serves I like the music YOU create very much. Its a shame you are in another country,mate. But who knows..
thanks for your interest,
George Barry
Did you take it down?

I got one listen through and was gonna give ya feedback after a second.

I gave you props on 'From The Inside' on a diff. thread I think...really enjoyed that :D
thanks for the props...yeah I did take it down. I need to promote some other things right now, and I really didnt think anyone thought much of it.
Although, people do seem to like "From the Inside". In fact, I will look for a full length version and see if I can put it up there asap.
The CD thats from (CODE BLUE) maybe re-released soon, because we have had renewed interest.
-George Barry (GtrGeorge)
No long version (of "From the Inside")..yet, but
enjoy "Let's Talk", also on the same CD, also very well recieved. I put it up a minute ago.
I will keep looking for the long version.
I use EZ drummer, too. But only on the newest material. Inside and Talk was done with samples into K2000 keyboard and occasionally a roland,as well. But it was done with a real great drummer,out live.
I really like EZ drummer, although its not as EZ as they say.
I am really into "feels", and and good as EZ is, I can't quit get it to do what I want.
What expansions do you have????? You can PM me, if not comforatble with that talk at this forum.
I'm cool, a little chat shouldn't hurt.. After all, it's your thread...LOL.

The expansions I have are: DFH EZX. Groove Monkee: Progressive (EZD, DFH kits), World Beats, Rock, Blues, Metal (EZD, DFH kits).

I just wish I had more time to work with it. Speaking of easy, I got into an argument on toontrack forum about the compatibility list and how it's not totally true. None the less, I love it and I use it with Logic 8.

BTW, I don't have a website of my own material yet, so I think you got me confused with someone else.

Very cool. Sorry i got you confused with someone else..the name thing is confusing at times. Sorry. yeah, thats a great drum program. I,too, havent had enough time to really get the most out of it. But it is great for grab and go, for me, anyway. When I am writing I just wanna get the process going.
Those expansion..I am envious....is there any one that Really should be included in everyones tool kit? And also, regarding compatabilty, are you refering to a Logic8 environment, or any environment?
Hey man, you should get amyspace going. Its free..but they allow you put 6 songs up there, which is helpful. I think the way I use my website has helped me connect to people, but again, thats just how I see it.
your thoughts?
Myspace is still in development right now. I could probably just throw up a few older tunes I have, but they don't have vox and they're also part of my "redo" project, along with new material.

For me, the essential EZD expansions are DFH and Groove Monkee's Progressive beats (EZD and DFH). I'm not much into the sounds from the other EZX's except Twisted. I've found that the beats from Groove Monkee are really good and they have a lot of extra bonus stuff, but the fills and tricks are way better from the EZD plugins.

Toontracks compatibility list shows a program that isn't fully compatible, but say they are. It just so happens that it was the program I had and planned to use. I was mad because I bought EZD. but couldn't use it the way it supposed to be used. I have Logic 8 now and use it for everything.
Seems like you've found a good working method. Me? I write the song first and then try to produce it up. I think thats why the drum progamming gives me some hassles. I have very specific feels for the parts and cut and paste just doesnt feel right to me. But DFH and the others are fun, sometimes they give me cool ideas.
I never heard of Groove Monkey..I guess those are 3rd party guys who make sounds for DFH and the like.
I have that issue of writing the song first and trying to find drums to fit, as well. Even with hundreds of loops and fills at my disposal, I find myself still editing a lot of MIDI notes. That's fine because to me the EZD stuff is the best sounding drums without a real drummer and professional studio.

Have you tried the Steinberg Groove Agent VST series? They're pretty good for replicating drums I'd say good for everything but the crashes (still have yet to find a good crash sound) and the fact that since the drums are midi programmed the timing is too sharp!
I have heard em..and yes they are quite good.
I think they are in the top 3.