RM4 double module issue

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2010
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Central California
Occasionally when I power on my RM4, the first AND last modules will be active. The 4th module less so than the first, but you can still hear the sound of the module. While this, in theory, seems like a cool way to create hybrid tones, it's somewhat annoying, as I have to cycle through all 4 positions to get the RM4 to select only a single module again. Have you guys ever had this issue before? I will attach a pic I took with my phone so you can see what I am talking about.


By rhequiem7 at 2010-07-07
Hey hows that B.B.E Maximizer working for you.I have one but am pretty happy with the rm4 on it's own,but have been thinking about putting mine back into my rack system.Do you think it adds to your sound or like some people believe it's all hype?
I love the BBE, honestly. Every once in awhile I turn it off just to make sure it's doing something, and (to me) the difference is night and day. That said, there are some instances where I can do this and don't notice it as much, especially in situations where the gain is getting up there. I haven't done any major studies on it or anything, but I wont be removing it from my rack anytime in the foreseeable future ;) Maybe I'll put up some sound clips if there's enough interest
when you turn it off, I hope you don't mean the in/out button the unit. Truly off would be taking it out of the loop entirely
Some clips before and after would be cool.I might put mine in sometime but right now i'm going INSANE trying to figure this stereo hook-up stuff.
I use the Sonic Maximizer as a plugin on recordings. It is night and day. It adds clarity and punch. But I don't turn it up past 4.

I also have the pedal version I use with amps that can take pedals in their loops.

Think of the thing as a "Talent Boost".
Actually, that is what I meant, Cranky - I was just being lazy ;) Maybe BBE sets it up to make the signal seem fuzzy and muddy when you hit the in/out button hehe. Like Julia said, I notice much more clarity and presence when I have it engaged. It's like a magic super EQ for lazy people. I tend to turn mine up in the Noon-2:00 positions
I took out my MFX unit and put in the B.B.E and I think it sounds much better.It seems to take out quite a bit if the buzzy distortion and replaces it with just as heavy sounding but clearer distortion.
Yep. It's difficult to describe exactly what the BBE does, aside from making your rig sound "better" in most cases. Like Julia said, it's the "Talent Boost" hehe
Btw, has anyone else had the issue that I mentioned in my OP? lol I totally participated in the jacking of my own thread hehe