RM4+RM4=RM8? Maybe with your help.

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2010
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In my never ending insanity, I purchased a second RM4. I?m looking to find a good/easy/inexpensive method of switching between the two RM4s, to create a theoretical RM8. The equipment I?d like wire in is: a Sabine rack tuner, Morley Little Alligator Volume Pedal, Crybaby, Rocktron Intellifex (rack mount w/ midimate foot pedal), and a Peavey Classic 50/50 that I use in mono. I would like to have all this and be able to switch between my two RM4s and keep everything else in the loop the same (as if the RM4 were an RM8). Ideally, I would also like a switch so I can run through the tuner on mute (for silent tuning). I have some ideas, but before I go spending even more money I?d like to hear from the forum. I?m sure someone has experience with this. Give me some of your ideas and experiences, please.
A boss LS-2 might help with selecting what goes where... as for making it an rm8 i think a midi cable connecting the two together and and a midi controler so you can switch 8 channels. Mattfig looks like the guy that would know he's got a couple of those rm4's.
Hey Drew,

You could use a splitter like this (http://www.markertek.com/Audio-Equi.../Applied-Research-Technology/COOLSWITCH.xhtml) and a single RF4 switch which could be run both RM4s...It will switch both RM4s at the same time but since you'll be using a splitter only one should matter anyway...Of course, then you get into issues such as signal degredation with a cheap splitter...

However, I gotta say that if your gear expands further it's gonna be hard to keep things simple...The Voodoo Labs GCP/GCX is a pain to program but makes everything work perfectly once you get it right...When a pedal or other gear is not in use, it isn't just bypassed, it's physically removed from the signal path...I'm running pedals, rack gear, 3 RM4s, and a RT2/50 thru mine and everything couldn't be better...

Right now you'd be using up most of one GCX (multiples can be connected to one GCP) so it isn't a crazy option...Just more money...But when you spend cash on nice gear, you gotta go the extra mile to run it properly....If you watch used stuff you can score the GCX and GCP for around 550...Which, considering what it does, is not that bad....Not cheap I know, but extremely effective...

I'm sure the other MTSers will have better solutions...

As for muting during tuning, just keep the tuner before the splitter so you can choke the signal before it's taken anywhere else...

Good luck!

Edited to add that Sacred Groove, mojo, Baco and a few others are the posters with real info...They did a lot to help get me up and running...Maybe they'll weigh in here too....
The easiest/best sounding solution is to use a looper. There are several options available in these at varying costs....GCX, Patchmate, RG-16, Effects Gizmo, Switchblade. A looper allows you to place multiple preamps and or FX in discrete loops and activate/deactivate the loops via midi. With this method you can switch preamps and select channels on the preamp with one button. The "downside" to some is you have to do some midi programming, although it isnt hard. You stated you have a midi mate foot controller. IIRC the midi mate can operate multiple devices on multiple midi channels so it should work for this application.
I use a very similar setup with an M4 and a Mod 50 thru an RJM RG16 feeding aTC GMaj2 into a RT 2/50 poweramp. I use a GCP, but the theory is the same.
How I would set this up is:
Guitar into Volume-->Wah--> into looper. Send of loop 1 to tuner-no return to looper. Send of loop 2 to RM4a-> output to loop 2 rtrn. Send of Loop 3---> RM4b--->output to loop 3 rtrn. Send of loop 4 to Intellifex---> output to return of Loop 4. Output of loop 4 to power amp. Setup like this, you can silent tune, use either RM4 and use the Intellifex or mute the FX altogether as well a mute everything.
You can also put the volume and wah in a couple loops in front of the preamp loops if you want to true bypass them, but I would recommend a buffer for the xtra cable runs.
The Midi Mate will also let you use the bottom row of buttons for patch selection and the top row as instant access switches to turn FX on/off in the FX box or activate other loops.
You'd set each RM4 on it's own Midi Channel, the and the Intellifex on it's own channel. Program the Midi Mate to send the program changes to each unit to change modules and fx patches.
I know it can sound dauting but it really isn't that hard. A few hours investment, but a lot of flexibility.
Thanks everyone, I'm going to have to sit down and read this all again.