S1SO in the hizzle!

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crankyrayhanky said:
LOL <Hand slaps forehead>

I thought it may be some new 2011 MenaceCore band I never heard of

"The MTS MenaceCore Club"

I like it !
Lookie lookie....currebtly running with EL34s, it's a bit 'high-endy' but I'm sure there's some killer tone in here with all the 3million different switch.pot combinations...LOL

This is a work of art..for anyone mentioning how 'expensive' Salvation work is....well, you're not thinking about the # of features and sheer craftmanship that goes into it.

I'd no idea the faceplate text was reflective....mad Czech wizard (or wherever m0j0 comes from...since I think the plates are his design..)

^ cool, we're in sync brother

clips here
not really hearing the "EVH" in there - but I know that dude on Utube
gets some convincing tones out of his 5150 and your clips sound like
salvation caputured the classic "5150 Hi Gain" spot-on

Thanx for the clips !

FWIW, the only amps I've heard pull-off a ****-near spot on VH I/II was

1. '66 Bassman -> Palmer load -> 1959 Plexi
2. Cameron LG Jose
3. Rockstah
4. Splawn Modded JCM800 (which I own)
3. Old Bogner 101

in that order

the DF HBE SL+ I have does a decent VH I but IMO my Splawn does it better (albeit at deafening volumes :shock: )

I want a module that does VH I / II spot on

guess I'll have to get busy designing a VH mod that sounds right to my ears :idea:
fuzzboat said:
I want a module that does VH I / II spot on

guess I'll have to get busy designing a VH mod that sounds right to my ears :idea:

Unless you have someone modify a module for you with several options, this will be impossible.

Van Halen I was Eddie's unmodified Plexi with an MXR Distortion + pedal. You can hear the same amp on "Van Halen Zero" without the MXR Distortion+. You can really hear the pedal if you listen closely.

Van Halen II was a Jose Modified Plexi, but it wasn't Super Hi Gain and pretty much retained the tone of Four Input Marshall.

On W&CF, he went back to the MXR Distortion+ on several songs but on Fair Warning, Diver Down & 1984, it was all amp, no pedal.

I've always thought the 5150 and it's successors were cool sounding amps but they were way too modern (and high gain) to be able to capture EVH's "cleaner" Marshall tone.

IMO, EVH's best tone is on VHII, with Fair Warning a close second.
Besides the obvious differences like Eddie fingers, flaming tubes, magic room, etc- me playing a 7Dustian riff on a Gibson Les Paul with 10-60 strings tuned to C# is nowhere near EVH setup. If I had one of those newer Charvels and turned the gain down and the mids up it would be closer.

I had a Gigmods Brown that Pete tuned to the VHII guitar tone. MTS brother HughJasol has it now. That was a killer module.

You're right though, the 5150 tone is more "modern", but I'd rather have a modern hi gain sound that I can reign in when need be. I don't hang out in mid gain long enough, lol. I hear plenty of the warm brown character to make me happy.

The quest for VHI & II tone continues for many, but for me give me HiGAIN :twisted:
crankyrayhanky said:
The quest for VHI & II tone continues for many, but for me give me HiGAIN :twisted:

Here's a track with a prototype module I've talked about using a Tele. I don't currently own a Charvel or similarly equipped humbucker/Floyd Rose guitar (and haven't in nearly 20 years, but I'm getting the itch!).

It's not hard to take a leap and say with a Charvel SoCal or similar, this would nail the VHII & Fair Warning EVH.


Gain: 7.5
Bass: 4
Mid: 4.1
Treble: 6.2
Master: 3

No additional EQ in the mix.
Busted out the Strat tonight...the hi gain tones were great. The warm nature of I really compliments this axe. The best hi gain for my strat before was my Gigmods Brown. This S1S0 is right there.

Here's the real surprise- the clean tones were great! Not just usable, but a tone I might choose. Gigmods Tweed is my typical choice for this guitar, but in a live situation, it may be nice to just roll with this tone. Deep, warm, clear.
Everyday is new tone with this mod; very impressive
JKD said:
I'd no idea the faceplate text was reflective....mad Czech wizard (or wherever m0j0 comes from...since I think the plates are his design..)
Hahaha, I love that! "mad Czech wizard" :lol:
I only design them, Anthony produces them with the reflective material!
Oh and I'm from the Netherlands ;)

By the way, I have this slight suspicion that Mike P could be an EVH fan :lol:
In the eternal EVH debate I've learned not everyone hears the same thing - which I guess is a good thing otherwise all those classic 80's metal
tunes would all sound the same :lol:

Here's a post I made at rig talk (its the 1. "66 bassman, I mentioned)



been waiting FOREVER for someone around here to post this :doh: :doh: :doh:

guess their isn't any EVH fans on the board :lol: :LOL:

IMHO rgalpin a 100% freaking genious and a class act for posting this :thumbsup:

If I was rgalpin and discovered that tone I would have been running down the street naked screaming "Eureka, I found it !!"

Its so simple Bassman -> Marshall Plexi + Variac

Its clear to me now - I can just imagine young EVH walking into Jose's shop and Jose showing him the neat tricks he invented

1.using the bassman as a preamp
2. variac-ing a marshall on "10"

I'll bet EVH said to him self what if I "Bassman -> Marshall Plexi + Variac" - and the rest is history as they say

as far as EVH and his "blowing trannies" comment, it makes perfect sense, using a bassman like this will fry the OT !

eventually, EHV used a plexi with 6550's - he had to because the EL34's probably sounded constipated with the bassman driving them - I remember even Mark Cameron said he needs to use 6550's to do the EVH tone "right"

there you have it EVH's Tone Is 100% Stock Amps !!- aside from a plexi modded for 6550's

If your old enough think back to the music of 1977-78, noone else had this tone back in 1978 - how did eddie do it ?

stock bassman & Plexi - go figure :m17:

That's all I got to say on the subject (last thing I want is a 50 page long EVH thread :roll: )

Hey Mike P

I don't think EVH changed amps on VHII - I think he changed/upgraded his speakers and cabinet's IMHO
fuzzboat said:
Hey Mike P

I don't think EVH changed amps on VHII - I think he changed/upgraded his speakers and cabinet's IMHO

Dude, your supposition is nice and all but it's factually incorrect. Also, Eddie used the same cabinet, with a 57 on the top left speaker and another 57 on the bottom right speaker through Sunset Sound's API console.

I've spoken to many people that have worked on those early albums in various capacities and was told exactly what was used.

VH1 was a stock four input JMP Super Lead 100. He used the variac occasionally to starve the tubes, thus making it more distorted but more often than not, used the amp stock with an MXR Distortion+.

If you've ever played through a stock JMP Super Lead that's fully restored, it's easy to get the VH tone.

Jose modded his amp before the VHII record, giving it more gain without changing the overall tone. You can take a Voodoo Amps HG Jose, plug-in any alder body strat with medium gain pickup and replicate that tone very easily.

The most ironic part about people chasing EVH's early tone is that he wasn't a big fan of it! He used a Soldano, a Fish and a prototype Ecstasy for the F.U.C.K. album and every amp he's put his name on since pretty much has nothing in common with his Super Lead tone.
Hamner1 said:
m0jo said:
By the way, I have this slight suspicion that Mike P could be an EVH fan :lol:

No way. :lol:

Actually, not really. I haven't played a Van Halen song since I was in high school 27 years ago and never got into finger-tapping. I don't even own a Floyd Rose equipped guitar. I'm a Les Paul guy, through and through.

That example was just one of five tracks I wrote, recorded and produced last Monday-Wednesday for a television show. I used the new prototype module and created tracks with my Les Paul and Tele. The work order kinda specified the sound of the music, so I just followed it.
update: The S1S0 is still entrenched in my live rig. I'm using it for hi gain leads on some tunes, I throw a switch and use it for lo/mid gain on another. Great mod!
where can you order the S1S0 module from ? sorry for the newb question, i actually just got my first mts amp. its a randal rm80 that has been converted into an amp head. :D