Salvation High Gain Mod Mix

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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I was wondering if anyone on here could do a comparison of all the Salvation high gain mods, for example some heavy riffs played on the 1666, Mumba, Angel, Custom 3, Deadplate etc.... all with the same EQ, but more than one sample of each.
Like, one thrash, one death metal, one heavy rock, one 80's etc....

Just to see how they stack up against eachother!
Actually there is a collection of soundclips on Hyenik's and Anthony's soundclick where the same riff is played through a lot of different modules.

Including stocks (on Hyeniks page)

They aren't named accordingly though, so you'd have to check all the clips for the ones that I mean.
Hyenik's last one with the Benzin is one of them.
buriedorburned said:
comparison of all the Salvation high gain mods, for example some heavy riffs played on the 1666, Mumba, Angel, Custom 3, Deadplate etc.... all with the same EQ, but more than one sample of each.
Like, one thrash, one death metal, one heavy rock, one 80's etc....

Great idea, unfortunately only on paper. In reality is wasting of time. If you need perfect soundclip for you, you must DIY. I can told you exact scenario..... you did the clips, and first (or second) question will be: Try this pickup please, or this riff, of that EQ or whatever :) Everytime the same.

But, we make long time test with two riffs for for sevenstring guitar (called More heads), and one for sixstring (called Tristest). As m0jo mentioned some of sample can you find in my soundclick, and we prepared webpage with our complete work. Comparison with real heads, modules, simulations etc..... now exist only in czech language, so stay tuned :)
It would be cool if someone with the know how and time could record a track and then re-amp it with different modules. That way the same performance is coming through each time.
that kind of time and effort takes money..
and I dont think everyone would pay for that.