Salvation KH23 module

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
I had the chance to play MorgMetal666 module yesterday...what can I say, it's killer.

The module is built on a KH2 chassis and has a push/pull switch to go from KH2/KH3.

The problem with KH2 side doesn't have enough gain but this is easily fixed with a boost pedal and is killer for old school thrash tones with a tubescreamer type boost. It also did not sound as bass heavy/tubby as the stock KH2.

In KH3 mode this really breathes fire

What I think I heard was something roughly equivalent to a mix of the KH2/KH3 voicing but with the gain of the's definately slightly fuller sounding and less dry than a KH3 but also less congested in the mids...a little smoother on the top too...although even a stock KH2/KH3 can take a cranking on the Treble :D

Killer module...side by side with a KH3, the KH23 had it beat.
insightibanez said:
Stop teasing, lets hear some clips good buddy, LOL!!!!!!! :lol:

Don't have it any longer...ask Mike (MorgMetal666) to give you more info.... :p
No worries. I have about 8 clips of the KH23 module i recorded over the weekend with my friend. They are rough cuts with only guitar. I will post them as soon as i can.
All the clips are at the same tone settings, so i didn't show off the versatility of the mod very well, but you guys should like em. :)
it just looks like a regular KH-2. but the board is full of cool little things. the gain knob is a push pull pot to go from the KH2 to KH3. they sound that same, just KH3 has more gain