secret GAS purchase revealed...and presence questions arise

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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I actually had my eye on pricier things:a FJA Single Rectifier, a FJA Dual Rectifier, a FJA 5153, an early 90s Rectifier. But then life happened and bills pounded my funds and I was left with less modules & lots of frustrated GAS.
So., after liquidating many cool modded modules..I just picked up a cheap/used Peavey Ultra Plus.

Funny thing, I didn't care too much for the 6505 I played, but I'm digging this Ultra. I was A/Bing with my rm100KH Salvo S1S0 and noticed that it only got closer when I turned the Randall presence off
The amps are so night & day, I'm not sure if the Ultra is super thick and beautiful or if it's slightly congested/muddy, but now my ears are enjoying the 0 presence on the rm100. I always kept it around 1oclock, but perhaps it only needs the sizzle with the stock modules, IDK.

Bottom Line: where do you set your presence?
BTW, running both amps was glorious!
further investigations: running the S1S0 >rm4>Ultra loop return
I easily dialed in the Ultra tones (& then some)
Conclusion: the Randall rm100KH power section is waaay different than the Peavey. Randall has lots more clarity, but the Peavey has huge low end power
right on...I have lots of experience with the XXX, but the XXX is a bit smoother in comparison. Strange, I hated the XXX when i played it, but when others jammed on it I liked the tone :shock:
Density: 10 O'Clock

Presence: 10.5 O'clock.

That said, I record only. Most likely, I'd set up my amp differently depending on the room I was playing, the 4x12 cabinet, etc.

But for recording, the RM100, at least in my experience, has plenty of top and bottom. If I dialed them in higher, I'd just have to use LPF & HPF to roll them off in the mix.

Too much work. :D
Density and Presence at 11:00 for me. The only knob on my modules that get above 1:00 is the mid knob.
Back to a very conservative 2 p.m - just under 3 p.m. My need for treb is being cured slowly but surely. Under 1 pm though???? forget about it!
crankyrayhanky said:
Conclusion: the Randall rm100KH power section is waaay different than the Peavey. Randall has lots more clarity, but the Peavey has huge low end power

Randall MTS Heads inherently "color" the tone IMO

FWIW, my RM4 sounds killer with either SS or Tube power amps
& each has a different tone
Cranking the density to max and killing of the presence on the rm100 gives lots of warm low thunder similar to the Peavey Ultra. Not quite the same, but interesting comparison
Density/Presence at 10 or 11 o'clock....depends on what power tubes I have in the RM100's. EL34's I might bump the density up to noon, KT88's a hair less...Presence pretty much stays at 10, regardless. BTW Ray- you would have been better off keeping all your modules vs getting a Peavey Ultra! 8)
^perhaps straight up, but unforseen non-music bills always lurk
Still enjoying the Peavey Ultra and my remaining modules :twisted:

I've been back and forth on this many times over the years: 20+ modules, sell off down to 6, then buy up back to 20 modded modules, then the end, I wind up checking them all out, getting updated versions of the ones I love