SG: Out with the old...

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
St. Clair Shores, MI
Hello everyone.
Just a quick message regarding future module work. I have been thinking for a long time (to the point of exhaustion) that I need to make some big changes to my operations. I don't have the time anymore to keep up with current mod work, nor take on new custom one-off mods. The majority of time I have to work on mods is the weekend. I try during the week, but I'm lucky to get 90 mins in a night. So, if there's a module with a problem that I can't immediately identify or fix, I'm kinda screwed...LOL. So, I am postponing taking any new orders until further notice. I expect this delay to be at least a few months, due to finishing any current work, as well as finalizing new mods.

My plan is to "trim the fat" of my existing mods and make them more personal and unique, while creating a refined and more defined identity, including new graphics and faceplates.

Sorry for any inconvenience to those that had considered contacting me but hadn't yet, regarding mod work. To those of you that had contacted me, but I hadn't replied yet I will reply to you shortly.

THANK YOU to everyone that have been patiently awaiting the return of their new mods!

UPDATE 1/21/2013: Thanks for all of the emails and support! I definitely plan to return.
Thanks Scott for you hard work on my mod- Explanation Makes sense to me. Please let us all know when you resume work.
Sorry to hear you're postponing new orders. I enjoyed working with you creating the Afterlife mod. It's still my go to mod with the other SG Bogner's right behind. I will say that your mods just have a little something extra that speak to me. I've been meaning to email you the last couple weeks about some mods, but kept putting it off. Guess it's too late now though. Hope you are able to come back stronger!

Scott take your time and keep bringing the goods. I was hoping to have some updates made to mine sometime in the future. So this works out for me to wait till I have more cash in my pocket. Many thanks for the tones!
Hello Scott,

I have understanding and I am sure the community has. Think if there is another mode that works better for you.
I for one am grateful to have my hands on two great sounding SG mods. Your work is really great IMO and I hope you're able to find a better method for your time and peace of mind.

Great service and solid voice for our MTS world!
Well I hope everything works out for you as planned. I will most definitely be interested in checking out some of your mods when you get rolling again. Best of luck!
Looking forward to the new and improved line of mods. Best of luck in the future.
Scott, your mods are tops in my book. Four out of my six mods are yours. I'm hoping you find a way to keep accepting work that makes sense in your life, but if you don't, I couldn't blame you. I'll certainly be holding on tight to the mods of yours that I have, though.
I guess I got in under the wire as well. My Fisch is at Scott's now getting the full round of updates. I can't wait to get it back!

Best wishes Scott!