Shootout with the Brahma and a bunch of Booster pedals.

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2007
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Las Vegas
I was bored and in my usual way quickly recorded the Brahma with a bunch of overdrive/distortion pedals I have to boost it. I, as always flubbed up a few times but its one take action and I'm bound to screw it up and not go back and fix it. I used my Brahma module with my RM100 6L6's into my V30 cab. Mic'd on the cheap with an SM57 center of the cone and a bluetube preamp and my Washburn with the Duncan Custom Custom. I compared the L6 M13 Screamer, Ibanez TS10, Boss Super Overdrive, Boss Blues Driver, and the Boss DS1. All are set relatively the same with the level 80-100% and the Gain barely cracked on. Something is currently wrong with my Centaur Klon so I deleted the sample because I was getting a bad high pitch screech which has developed over the last month. I may have a sample up this weekend because I am having a guy check it out tomorrow. They all sound relatively similar but each has a subtle difference when not cranking any gain and just boosting. Anyhow, here are a few pedal blasts and ignore the flubbery.
Sounds great. I really need to get some decent recording equipment. And a Brahma.

Interestingly, it sounds like the Line 6 was the only one that didn't cut a noticeable amount of bass.
Have you tried an Xotic BB in front of it? I use it as a solo boost, just to give me a touch more gain and more volume to cut through the mix. It doesn't colour the tone very much. It's alot like an old tube screamer, but heavier if you get too aggressive with the gain dial.
I've always used the 4th modual(rm4) as my lead channel just turning up the volume and gain on it.Now i'm wondering if I should get some type of tube screamer(I liked the line 6 best)instead!
I use a Cool Cat Drive or a Tone Press pushing a Cool Cat Trans OD to boost mine. I also have a RP1000 and have experimented with the modeled pedals in there but for some reason I prefer the outboard pedals.
I liked the SD-1, it sounded a bit more agressive to me, more harmonics.
Line 6 was also awesome, a bit darker and fuller.

Between the two I'd go for.. modded SD-1 hehe
I have a modded SD-1 that I loved for ever...these days I think I'm more mellow and choose something not so balls out metal...HBE Power Screamer or BB Preamp thingy.

I also have a BBE Green Screamer..wicked pedal, very much like the SD-1 only it has more balls.

I have a tri-mode Biyang pedal that's pretty interesting too...
JKD said:
I have a modded SD-1 that I loved for ever...these days I think I'm more mellow and choose something not so balls out metal...HBE Power Screamer or BB Preamp thingy.
Getting old are we? :) :lol:

Just kidding ;)
Sometimes the SD-1 is too much for me too, I plan on putting a TS9/808 next to it :)