SL2 vs. SL+

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Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
I currently have an SL+ module for my RM100. At the least I'd say it sounds like a Plexi on steroids, however, it has this annoying glassiness when the gain kicks in. I've pondered on modding it with the JCM800 voicing mod, but then, I also thought getting an SL2 can be a better idea.

How does the Egnater SL2 module compare to the SL+?
Well I have the Egnater SL2 so I'd be very curious to know the difference as well. What area of the country are you in?
Hey Bill, how's it goin'! :)

Skunk, depending on the revision of the SL+, I've seen a few that already had the 'JCM800 mod'. Might want to check your board vs the info on the mod thread. If the SL+ sounds real dark and scoopy, then it's probably non 800 - if it actually has mids and sounds more like a plexi with added gain, it may already have the JCM800 mod. I like both which is why I started modding them with a switch to go between.

I've seen a few modules that looked to have the 800 mod from the factory. Not sure on certain serial #s or anything like that, easiest way to tell is to look at the slope resistor for the tone stack.

RD/Steve said:
all the new sl+ have the 800 mod done to them.

I figured either that or someone got REAL good at doing factory looking mods! :)