Something cool for your MTS amp (concept accessory)

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Jun 2, 2007
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Would you like an MTS slot octopus? Something like a slot multiplier per channel. Say you have an RM20, if you use "the octopus", you can have up to 6 independent channels, mainly channel 1 (x 3), and channel 2 (x 3). gonna use the MIDI thrus to turn on each channel independently.

I wanna see some hands so i can bring it up to my mad professor friend.
Bruce has an E2 and is almost out,which you can plug into any FX loop and have 2 dual channel Mods at your disposal.
another Yes. Id like to see a way to have 50 watt 4 module set-up, with a single 12.
jmgman70 said:
Bruce has an E2 and is almost out,which you can plug into any FX loop and have 2 dual channel Mods at your disposal.

Could be anywhere from $1000 to $1400 based on what was said on the forum though :-/
skunky_funk said:
Would you like an MTS slot octopus? Something like a slot multiplier per channel. Say you have an RM20, if you use "the octopus", you can have up to 6 independent channels, mainly channel 1 (x 3), and channel 2 (x 3). gonna use the MIDI thrus to turn on each channel independently.

I wanna see some hands so i can bring it up to my mad professor friend.

You know, this is totally doable, so I'm in :D
Interesting thought..not really sure what you are trying to do that already is able to be done. This would be essentially a patchmate in a module...kinda so whatish? If you do this in the module slot the way the amp is designed you only access that slot not the whole amp. You are really describing any external loop switcher or our E2. Any loop switcher in your loop will give you more modules at your dispense. Say a RM4 with loop switcher into your RM50's loop.

This is what our E2 is going to be a 2 space pre amp with a built in loop switcher. Our E2 will give you the use of 2 more modules either ours or Randall with your current Randall amp. E2 will read our dual channel and Randall single channel.

Can you explain your idea further? We are interested in ideas to improve our design!
hilly1212 said:
Interesting thought..not really sure what you are trying to do that already is able to be done. This would be essentially a patchmate in a module...kinda so whatish? If you do this in the module slot the way the amp is designed you only access that slot not the whole amp. You are really describing any external loop switcher or our E2. Any loop switcher in your loop will give you more modules at your dispense. Say a RM4 with loop switcher into your RM50's loop.

This is what our E2 is going to be a 2 space pre amp with a built in loop switcher. Our E2 will give you the use of 2 more modules either ours or Randall with your current Randall amp. E2 will read our dual channel and Randall single channel.

Can you explain your idea further? We are interested in ideas to improve our design!

So are you saying that it is impossible to redesign the RM100's 3-button footswitch so you can have mode 1A, 1B and 1C, 2A, 2B and 2C, and 3A, 3B and 3C?

My thoughts on "the octopus" (ok, the name is not yet final) is that you are essentially having 3 different modes per slot. Not multiplying the number of slots by 3. So what I envision is a standard 3-button footswitch, with 'up' and 'down' buttons for each slot.
I know this can be done but modifying the 3 button Randall Midi pedal or the amp isn't the answer. You will need more buttons to control everything though. The Midi PIC chip in the Randal controls the slots on the amp so you will not get any further control options from it, so the Midi thru to the octopus will be the key. Not hard if you know how to program PIC chips.
Been discussing this topic with Bruce today and here is his analogy...

If you no how to rebuild transmissions then you should be able to install a rocket engine in a covair.
In another words if you now how to program pic controllers you can turn your 3 button footswitch into a 9 channel amp. Not as cut and dry as one would think. Just food for thought from the guy who designed the amp.
hey Hilly how about an Egnater Tube(for warmth) spring reverb unit in stereo? It would be nice to have a single space unit with the Egnater name on it. Demeter has one but its not tubed but has 2 full reverb tanks. tubeworks had one (no longer made)with tubes and they go for a mint on ebay and peavey had one with tubes and tremolo but only mono and goes for a mint also,$500-$650 .I use a Furman reverb which is good but no warmth with a 3 band eq and limiter. could make one with a push button limiter/noise gate,stereo in/out,no eq tube powered for warmth and made in the USA with high end electrical components only the way Mr Bruce could do it. Come On how about it? HOW MANY HERE WOULD LUV ONE OF THESE?????