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Actually, the Patriot series I believe parallels more with Jensens and speakers of that fame. The Red Coat series is more Celestion-y.

Governor: V-30 with fuller low end and smoother highs
Private Jack: Greenback.
Red Fang: Alnico Blue (spot on, just about)
Man-O-War: G12T75
Wizard: I think this is the G12H30 copy.
Tonespotter: G12T65 copy.

How close they are depends on who you ask :D

And the Super V is like a perfect mix of the EVM12, an Eminence Legend, and the old Fane speakers :D
IMHO...If you want Celestion type sounds, the Scumback speaker line is unequalled in quality of tone....If you want higher powered speakers, the Lynch Super V speaker is amazing with my MTS 100 head...
I want to try a M75 but can't fork out the cash for a new one. As of now, I like the Super V with RM50 combo. I am running it with a TM2X12 with a E80 and ET65 mix. Great, full tone out of that mix.
guitarcomet said:
Shinozoku said:
How close they are depends on who you ask :D

Actually, it depends on the enclosure or cabinet they are in.
(mine are about 2" apart :lol: )
I won't spend for Scumbacks. I do not believe it is worth it. I have had too many old and new Celestions and Eminence speakers that have given me unreal tones so I have no desire to try them. Some of my favorites are the Celestion G12K-100, G12K-85 and G12-65! The Eminence Patriot series is really smooth and warm. Love those too!
My next speaker upgrade will be one or two M75's. Every clip Ive heard so far sounds very good. Regarding price, they do have sales from time to time. I just missed their big sale over the new year.
My 2 cents:

I only consider Celestion speakers! My fav is the Blue Alnico, and 2nd is the G12T-75, 3rd is the Vintage 30.
I personally only consider Eminence. I have very good hearing (not that I UNDERSTAND anyone :p), and that makes my ears more susceptible to ultra high end frequencies. Celestions (like the G12T75, the only one I can compare to atm) have a bit more of these frequencies than Eminence. Or at least, Eminence rolls some of these frequencies back (one of the reasons they sound so great with solid state amps :D). But I need to hear more Celestions in person :p
I have the Texas Heats in a Randall cab. I love em compared to my stock Marshall cab GT75s. The texas heats have a more bottom end sound to em. That's why I like em compared to the Marshall cab. Plus I think the type of cabinet makes a difference in tone, I prefer a straight cab to an angled cabinet. That extra thickness in a straight cab has more bottom end me thinks.
I compared CelestionV30s to Gt75s (the kind that randall puts in a RM50 combo)..and the 75 were like an ice pick!!!!
Granted V30 have a bump somewhere int he upper mids (like 2k, acc to my ears)..but the GT75s were way worse....my ears immediattely were in pain. I even repeated my test...
So for me, I use V30s...I am not so happy Celestion moverd their production to China (and the cost remained the same..like 140 USD)...but they have a certain sound.
I also use wherehouse Veteran 30s and they are very,very similar at a lower cost.
IMO speakers are one of those personal choices that are unique to what we like and how our ears work. No right or wrong answer really, just opinions. Seems like I prefer Emi over Celest most of the time. We have used a lot of the Tonespotter, Tonker, Wizard, and Governor from the Red Coat series. We have been very satisfied with those in many different applications. We have frequently mixed the Wizard with the Governor for great results. The Tonker we have in a SF Twin and also a 2x12 for our 1969 Hiwatt DR504. The Tonespotter has seen a lot of work with our plexi type heads, also as a mix with the GB12 from their Legend series.
On the Patriot side we have used the C-Rex, Texas Heat, and Red White & Blues with a lot of Fender Deluxe and Pro Reverb, and also the Tweed 5E3 and 5E5-A.
We have a few Weber's that have been very good. Namely the F150 and the California ceramic/paper cap. Good results with those Weber's, and they have a huge customer base that is very loyal.
South Bay speakers are rather expensive, but at this point, Jim seems to have a lot of happy eras out there. He did a lot of research and testing before he put his drivers on the market. I have no doubt that his speakers are every bit as good as the reviews I read.
WGS, ASW, Tone Tubby, are also very good. It just so happens that we got started with Eminence and have always been able to find a speaker from them that fits our needs. They have very fair prices and a good warranty.
You will just have to hear for yourself. Better to spend $180.00 on a speaker that you love than to be barely satisfied with another that you bought because it was only $95.00
Good Luck
i was thinking of getting a Port City custom cab loaded with the Celestion EVH Signature and Emminence Super V. Yeah :twisted:
Personally I like the Hellatone 60 and 60L...

Basically aged V30 speaker... The 60L gives you more low end...

I used them in my Peavey XXX 60 combo (a 60L) and currently use them in my Genz Benz G-flex 212 cab (2 60's)...

Cheap, and decent....


and for the Canucks http://www.steamcomusic.com/catalog/hellatone-speakers
Okay here's something I found on Youtube. Same riff played through the same mics with the same amp, same settings, same cab, and the same axe. Vintage 30, G12-75, G12H30, Greenback, K100, Alnicos, Eminence stuff, Jensen, Tone Tubby, JBL, EV. They all sound different.

So if you want to change your tone, the speaker will have the greatest effect on the sound you produce.


More influence than pickups, tubes, string brand, preamp. That same amp can sound totally different depending upon the speaker used.

brilliant find on youtube. good luck to anyone that can afford to a/b experiment with speakers. anyone heard anything about these speakers as they've got me interested.
i'd hate the base tone (voice) of the speaker to be a let down as what they do seems amazing. i had a kendrick power glide once but this "looks" even better still.
i love power tubes : )
Julia said:
Okay here's something I found on Youtube. Same riff played through the same mics with the same amp, same settings, same cab, and the same axe. Vintage 30, G12-75, G12H30, Greenback, K100, Alnicos, Eminence stuff, Jensen, Tone Tubby, JBL, EV. They all sound different.



The rhythm demo listed as the V30, but you see label on the speaker as G12 30. The G12H30 does sound better than the V30 on the lead tone demo though.
tung said:
Julia said:
Okay here's something I found on Youtube. Same riff played through the same mics with the same amp, same settings, same cab, and the same axe. Vintage 30, G12-75, G12H30, Greenback, K100, Alnicos, Eminence stuff, Jensen, Tone Tubby, JBL, EV. They all sound different.



The rhythm demo listed as the V30, but you see label on the speaker as G12 30. The G12H30 does sound better than the V30 on the lead tone demo though.

The label says G12 (meaning 12") Vintage 30. If you look at the back of the speaker it says G12 Vintage 30. Check the Celestion site. Those are Vintage 30s.