Splawn or Mod'd 800?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
American in the Philippines
So I am suffering from the dreaded GAS again. I have toyed with the idea of getting a Splawn for a while and I have really got it bad for one right now. After looking in the usual places for a deal on used one nothing of note showed up but a ton of JCM800's did which got me thinking....a JCM800 is the foundation/inspiration for the Splawn and many other amps.....why not pick up an 800 for about 800 and ship it to Voodoo for the full enchilada modding it the gills? I located an 800 for 800 but as I was researching the deal I noticed on the Voodoo site that the mods don't apply to models manufactured in 1983?? What's up with that???

Anyways...Splawn for JCM800 to the Mod shop? Opinions?
I have owned both Splawn Nitro and modded Marshalls.
I sold the Splawn after 1 day of playing. Maybe I should of given it more time.....????
But I got all the sounds I needed out of the MTS and couldnt justify keeping a two thousand dollar amp head for what I could get for a few hundred bucks.
But.....for me? I would say BUY IT!! Just to get it out the system. Curiosity killed that cat...but checking out a NEW AMP brought him back! :wink:
Just my 2 cents.
Get the Splawn. Get it out your system. You might like it!! :D
I was researching the deal I noticed on the Voodoo site that the mods don't apply to models manufactured in 1983?? What's up with that???

The models made in 1983 have a great deal less gain than the following models. As such the Mods we have designed do not apply to the 2205/2210 models manufactured in 1983.

Voodoo Amps said:
I was researching the deal I noticed on the Voodoo site that the mods don't apply to models manufactured in 1983?? What's up with that???

The models made in 1983 have a great deal less gain than the following models. As such the Mods we have designed do not apply to the 2205/2210 models manufactured in 1983.


Trace I thanks for the heads up. I am so glad I read that on the website before I pulled the trigger on that deal.
Mailman1971 said:
I have owned both Splawn Nitro and modded Marshalls.
I sold the Splawn after 1 day of playing. Maybe I should of given it more time.....????
But I got all the sounds I needed out of the MTS and couldnt justify keeping a two thousand dollar amp head for what I could get for a few hundred bucks.
But.....for me? I would say BUY IT!! Just to get it out the system. Curiosity killed that cat...but checking out a NEW AMP brought him back! :wink:
Just my 2 cents.
Get the Splawn. Get it out your system. You might like it!! :D

I did. I have a deal pending on a Quickrod. I really would like to have a Mod'd 800 or JMP but time is of the essence. Brother I will be with my wife and child in the Phils in a few weeks...and thats gonna be home. Hit me up when you get over there.