Stereo hook up

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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O.K. now that I finally have 2 Randall MTS 2x12 cabs...Does anyone know how to hook them up in stereo?It seems simple but i'm afraid to muck it up
Does the switch on the back of the cab have to be on stereo or mono to be in stereo?I've got ch1 in mono on the top cab and ch2 in mono on the bottom cab.Does this mean i'm running a 4x12 in mono or 2-2x12 in stereo?I want to switch the cab switch to stereo on both cabs and switch the empedence to 16 ohms but i'll wait to see if anyone replies.I know some of you people out there have large systems and can help me figure it out.Thanks in advance for your advise.
Let me get this straight:
You want to run CH1 of your RT2/50 to one 212, and CH2 to the other 212?

If so the cabs should be set to mono (as each has one signal coming in).

If you stack the 212's on top of eachother you would then have one signal at the top and one at the bottom..
You can also set it up with one signal left and one right, in two ways:

The simple dirty way:
Turn the cabs on their side ;)

The hard complicated way:
Set each cab to stereo, and run a speaker cable to the left input of each cab from CH1 of the RT2/50. Then run a speaker cable to the right input of each cab from CH2.

This requires 4 speaker cables instead of 2.. but you could switch the left and right of one cab around, leaving you with an X-pattern:
Top left: CH1
Top right:CH2
Bottom left: CH2
Bottom right:CH1

There ya go, more explanation than you need.. I love dreaming up complicated rigs :lol:
I wouldn't recommend 4 speaker cables, considering signal degradation, set up time and... more **** to go wrong. ;)
The switch on the back of the cab would only need to be set to stereo if you are running both channels of the power amp into the cabinet.
Example you want to run stereo with only 1 cabinet (meaning channel 1 into left input of cabinet & channel 2 into the right input of your cabinet).

With the 2 cabinet setup you would not need to have the cabinets switched to stereo as you likely will only have 1 signal from each channel of the power amp coming to it.
Example Channel 1 of power amp to Left mono input of cabinet 1 & Channel 2 of power amp to left mono imput of cabinet 2.

You could also run both cabinets with a wet/dry stereo setup.
Example: Have your dry signal go to Channel 1 of the power amp & you effects run to channel 2 of the power amp. Now take the 2 outputs from channel 1 (dry) & connect them to the Left mono input of each cabinet. Then take the 2 outputs for channel 2 (wet) & connect them to the Right stereo input of each cabinet. You will need the cabinet switch set to stereo for this. Now 1 speaker in each cabinet will have a dry signal & the other in each cabinet will have your effected (wet) signal.
walshinator666 said:
I've got ch1 in mono on the top cab and ch2 in mono on the bottom cab.Does this mean i'm running a 4x12 in mono or 2-2x12 in stereo?

With the setup you described above you are running 2-2x12 cabs in stereo.
What i'm looking for is to run one cab left and one cab right.But a guy in rig talk said that it's useless to run in stereo unless my mfx unit is a stereo unit(which it is).That being said I give a list of my set-up as it is right now.
guitar--> ch1 of decimator-->input of rm4
series loop send of rm4-->ch2 of decimator-->left input of mfx left output of mfx-->return of rm4
post loop of rm4-->ch1 input of rt2/50
2nd post loop of rm4-->ch2 input of rt2/50
From there i'm lost,what do I do with the right side inputs of my efx?I'm not positive what I have so far is correct
Guitar > RM4 > Series Out > Stereo Delay (chorus, reverb, or other stereo effect)

> Ch 1 RT2/50 > speaker 1

> Ch 2 RT2/50 > speaker 2

Try it this way. I don't think you'll break anything. If you go back into the Series return you go back to dual mono. The Parallel loop is tube buffered, but really with a MFX unit you can adjust the wet/dry mix of the effect internally so you don't need to use that. The purpose of the Parallel loop is so that you can set your effect 100% wet and then adjust the wet/dry blend on the amp.

Most people mistake running dual mono as running stereo.
What Julia laid out should work fine. This will give you the same signal/sound going to each cabinet & if spaced far enough apart can give you some interesting tones/sounds, especially if you have a pan effect that can boun ce a signal from 1 cab to the other.

I myself prefer a simple wet dry mix. That way you get the great dry distorted unmutated tone (which to me is the best) that you can blend with the effected signal. This would be best if the cabinets are next to each other. If you spaced them apart it might sound a bit goofy depending on where you or your audience is located at any given time. But if both cabs are mic'd & in the mix it should be good stuff.
What about the connections as far as the stereo mfx unit,I still don't have anything for right in and outputs.I've only got connections for left in and out?
I think this might creat or reintroduce the hiss problem you had previously, but you could take the outs Post loop, 1 into the left in & the other into the right in of your fx unit. Then Left out of the fx unit to channel 1 of power amp & right out of the fx unit to channel 2 of power amp.
I don't know about your MFX unit, but I can do mono/stereo effects on mine. Basically go Left input on the MFX, and set the effect for stereo and use the Left and Right Outputs.
There's no switch for mono/stereo just 4 connections 1 left in ,1 left out ,1 right in ,1 right out.Man, more short cables I need more short cables :roll: I'll try it and see,but there's starting to get to be too many hook-ups.In a live setting it'll take me forever to hook it all up just to tear it down again.Well ,i'm the one who wanted to be in a band.Maybe i'll show my girlfriend how to hook it up,she can be my roadie :lol: No she'll kick my *** if she heard me say that!
Is this your effects unit?

If it is you can use input 1 and "stereoize" a mono source by using out 1 and 2, but you'll have to read the manual on how to do it.

Set up and tear down time. ... now you are starting to understand why a lot of bands are using a GSP1101 (or even a POD X3 Live) for amp modeling + effects and a power amp. They've discovered the trick: at beer:30 no one cares about your tone. The music is just there in the background for the mating ritual taking place in the club or venue. And with the XLR DIs on the units it's easier for the sound guys.
No mine is a late 80's MFX called multi verb alpha s.e. studio edition.It's ahhemmm pink and black made by A.R.T. I don't even think anyone uses them anymore atleast i've never seen anyone else with one.
no luck I tried to find something on the A.R.T. sight. nothing comes up for Multi Verb. This is the only thing I found on a web search.

It is a PDF for a MultiVerb Alpha 2.0. While it may not be identicle I think most of the features & connections will be the same as yours. As far as I can tell you can run this Mono > stereo, stereo >stereo, or Stereo > Mono, or Mono > mono. From what I read I think what you want to do is run your signal from the 2 outs of the RM4 to the 2 ins of th mfx & the 2 outs of the mfx into channel 1 & 2 of your poweramp (Left to channel 1 & right to channel 2).
Yeah they look the same the connections look like they're the same.I tried what you suggest and it works except that it bypasses the decimator which creates the same hissssing sound as before.I'm going to try hooking it to the both channels of the decimator than to the MFX and plugging the guitar into the front jack of the rm4.Man there's alot to this rack stuff.Well hopefully someone wanting to do the same thing will be able to skip a few steps,this is what I believe the forum is all about afterall.Thanks for all yoiu insight I wouldn't know what to do with out it.