Stock vs. Mod clips

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Oct 21, 2008
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Hey guys, first time poster. Cool forum here, i am longtime randall user and endorser.

I would absolutely be willing to do accurate stock vs. mod clips and post them here for you guys, i just need to get a few modded modules first.

Pete, we've spoken once but i haven't gotten a response from you once i tried to follow up twice now. I'd love to see what you can do for me.

Anyone else modding please message me and we'll see what we can work out. Im on a quest to find some truly great modules out there and am willing to give just about anything a shot, i also have some ideas of my own on some mods.

I promise the clips will be accurate and fair as i will do them in my own studio on world class gear where i work everyday. Im a producer/engineer and make my living getting tones and makin people sound good. Im just as interested to get these clips as you guys. I think it would really benefit all of us and help the modders out there get a great representation of their product as well to help them sell. I wanna help!

Lets make somethin happen!


holy hell you work at audiohammer!

love that studio...Jason Seucoff is a producing god to me!

but yeah petes mods are awesome, i just did a demo with my death metal band and my modded 1086 module.!
Yes jay and i have been working together for many years now. I also produce and mix on my own as well as engineer all the records at audiohammer, i'd really love to get something good going here with the modded modules!
check my thread about my new demo!

that would be a modded 1086, clean boost sd-1...witha shure sm7b and sennheiser 421 into DAV(?) and Neve preamps.

hell if i had my way, be down there in florida recording there!!haha..
Hey Mark! Send me another email - I replied to your first one you sent, your second asked me to call you - and I was headed out of town when I got the email, and even on a good day it's hard to do the phone thing. Email works a lot better for me. Sorry, things have been crazy around here with relatives going to the hospital, family out of state vacations and stuff.

Unfortunately I don't have any 'demo' models to send out. Michael Wagener used a modded XTC I did for him to reamp guitars for a Crooked X album, so you can hear my 'old' XTC mod there, and has a few others I did for him, hopefully hear some of those on other albums eventually.
hey dude

live in orlando, and have a Dave Friedman modded topboost and sl+

Could possibly get together to record em, though I can do that here, but for continuities sake