Stupid tolex coming off

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
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Chicago Burbs, IL
Anybody know what i can use to glue the tolex back on the back of my RM100. It's coming off where they wrap it underneath the top portion in the back of the amp. Think the tubes heated the glue to the point of it coming off. What can i use to make sure it doesnt come back off.
This stuff works great!They use to sell it at HomeDepot.
The tolex sucks

I recoverd the head - use contact cement -
I would advise using the non toxic stuff , it will save you getting a headache.
I used The Marshall red tolex -
I Also filled in the side handles
I was thinking of recovering mine. Whats the easiest way to get the old tolex off? Does it just peal off or will it tear? Should I use heat?
Aaronharmon said:
I was thinking of recovering mine. Whats the easiest way to get the old tolex off? Does it just peal off or will it tear? Should I use heat?
Ya,it just pulls off.I would try and get some of the residual glue off the shell first so you get good adhesion!Hey there were some great threads on here awhile ago!!
I've used 3m Super 77 spray adhesive before, and the Dap Water-Based contact cement in tolexing jobs. To be honest, the Dap didn't have the tremendously strong grip that the 77 did, but not having to mess with overspray and gunk build-up was a blessing.

Also, I use elmer's and a q-tip for quick touchups. If you go for stronger adhesives, you run the risk of build-up and bumps in such a small area.