SYN5050 buzz

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2013
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I'm getting this loud buzz from the SYN5050 when I stand near it to adjust the controls on the preamps (the buzz starts being loud at 3 feet away).
I've noticed this since the first they I got it and inquired to Synergy about the issue, they replied saying that a buzz like this is normal if your guitar is near the amp's transformer and the loudness of this noise will depend on the pickups / mod / gain setting combination. Unfortunately I'm getting this regardless of the guitar, preamp / module combination and only with the SYN5050.

I understand the physics of this, the pickup will interact with the electromagnetic field of the transformer and will create this buzz, however, I've never heard this noise from 3 feet away, even getting the guitar close to the transformers it would have to be about a foot away to create a buzz this loud. This is not my first rack setup btw, granted my previous were always simple: just a pre+power.

After asking a couple people in the forum if they were experiencing something similar to this and learning that they didn't have this issue, I keep thinking the issue is with the SYN5050, so I made a couple of videos to share and get some feedback.
The setup is the same on both except for the power amp, one video is with the SYN5050 and the other is with a Mosvalve:
Guitar with SD/JB > preamp > power amp > speaker cab
My current basement doesn't have a good electrical wiring and the washing machine was running at the moment I shot the video so please excuse the rudeness of the obvious noise you'll hear, which can be heard on the video with the Mosvalve. However, in the video with the SYN5050 you can clearly hear the different buzz and how loud it is.


FWIW, I've checked all my cables and they are all in good condition. I've also taken my preamps and cabs to play elsewhere and connected it to the power section of my 5153 and this buzz is still the same when getting close to adjust control knobs.

Besides the obvious noise due to dirty power and the obvious solution of standing far from the amp to avoid the buzz, does anybody know if this could be a sign of the SYN5050 having an issue and needing repair?
I was told the videos showed as not available. I updated the links.
I heard/saw both vids
That syn does not sound right to me. That is borderline unusuable. Sure you can cover it up with gates, but that annoying bzzzz is there. :x

I assume you turned away from the amp at some point? My stuff can do that when I am right up onto it too, but goes away when I point away
crankyrayhanky said:
I heard/saw both vids
That syn does not sound right to me. That is borderline unusuable. Sure you can cover it up with gates, but that annoying bzzzz is there. :x

I assume you turned away from the amp at some point? My stuff can do that when I am right up onto it too, but goes away when I point away

+1 My MOD50 and RM50 will do this when I'm up close messing with controls or bias.....but when I turn's gone.
crankyrayhanky said:
...My stuff can do that when I am right up onto it too, but goes away when I point away

That is exactly my point, you can see on the video that I'm not right up onto the amp, I think I'm at a reasonable distance where that buzz shouldn't be there.
I think the SYN5050 buzz is noticeably different, not only louder but there's a "coarser" buzz if you will. It will only go away if I stand 3 feet away of the amp, which is OK for when I have room to do that; unfortunately in some rehearsal spaces or gigs sometimes you are actually that close to the amp so I do think this buzz is an issue.

The buzz from the Mosvalve does goes away when I turn away from the amp. This is what I would call a "normal" buzz as any other amp would show when you get too close to it as you've all experienced before.

The dirty power at my place is not a huge concern, I've played in places where the quality of the power is the same or worse, some times you just have to deal with it.

Synergy was very good in replying fast and told me that this buzz doesn't sound right, but to be sure about the source of the problem they would need the unit back at the lab for testing.

I'm getting a Furman unit and rewiring my rack in the next week, if this doesn't solve this buzz I'll have to send it to Synergy.

Greatly appreciate your replies guys. If you have any other comments please do share.

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