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I played it at Calistro music in CT. It was a studio. Craig, the owner of the studio was more than accommodating. I'd wholeheartedly recommend him. I had contacted another dealer and was told they didn't do demos of the kemper. I asked Craig if I could come in for about 45 mins to try the amp and he accommodated without a problem.  I had brought my own sony $30 headphones, but the studio owner lent me a pair of high end headphones to test it out with.

The orange amps on the kemper didnt sound anywhere close to my Salvation module or the Rockerverb I used to have. The same was the case with the 5153's. There were 2 5153 profiles on the kempmer, but they didn't really capture the tone on mine. I thought the marshall tones were lackluster. There were a few EVH plexi type tones, and honestly thay were nothing special either. Rob's Grailtone was much better. Actually I'd like to pick another one of those up someday.

Look, If modded MTS modules cost $100 a pop and the amps came with active technology to emulated speakers like the torpedo live, MTS would be a force to be reckoned with.
