The Recto / Treadplate Modding Post??

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
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Need some help here. Cant find that post where it went into detail about modding the Treadplate or the Recto module. Had about 3 to 4 changes with specs listed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think that was the one.....
I basically SPELLED OUT in Laymans terms.....
A killer Mod for the Recto.
I will just copy down some numbers and go from there!
But I think it was you and another member talking about modding this module. :?
I just want to make this the BADDEST it can be (with my limited knowledge and soldering skills!!) :D
Thanks Bro!!
R1 -> 150 Ohm and C3 -> 0.001uF will probably get you where you need to be.....if you're still curious, do R2 and R3 as well but they have a much smaller effect IMO.
Nice........thanks Steve!
I will be doing this in the next week or so once I order parts.
Have a good weekend,

Now does this make the module a little "tighter" or add some bass or more gain?
Sorry for all the foolish questions. I am just a guitarist pretending to know what I am talking about! :lol:
Mailman1971 said:
I think that was the one.....
I basically SPELLED OUT in Laymans terms.....
A killer Mod for the Recto.
I will just copy down some numbers and go from there!
But I think it was you and another member talking about modding this module. :?
I just want to make this the BADDEST it can be (with my limited knowledge and soldering skills!!) :D
Thanks Bro!!

Get the pete modded one dingledorf LoL. Stop messing around.
tonymustang302 said:
Mailman1971 said:
I think that was the one.....
I basically SPELLED OUT in Laymans terms.....
A killer Mod for the Recto.
I will just copy down some numbers and go from there!
But I think it was you and another member talking about modding this module. :?
I just want to make this the BADDEST it can be (with my limited knowledge and soldering skills!!) :D
Thanks Bro!!

Get the pete modded one dingledorf LoL. Stop messing around.
That would be the LOGICAL thing right?? :D
But I do like to "tinker" once in a while.....
and besides....I have a 1086 lined up that will be going to Pete as soon as I hear back from him! :wink:
I really should just send him my Recto module as well and STOP FN around!!! :D
Hey Dan!

Changing R1-R3 to a lower value cuts gain a little bit. Dropping the value of C3 tightens up the low end but too much can affect your 'thump' also. It lowers the gain slightly on the low end, which helps keep the module from sounding too tubby/flubby. If you do that, it gets a lot closer to a 'real' mesa IMHO, and also puts you in 'grail' territory, depending on the module version. Randall has made small changes here and there on most of the modules, which tells me they pay attention to this forum and users. I"ll have a message back to you soon regarding the 1086. :)


Thanks Pete!! Always a pleasure to deal with. I cant wait to get that RM100 back in my hands. I tracked it this morning on UPS and it is "OUT FOR DELIVERY" :D
I really did miss it and just miss the tweaking and "tinkering" swapping tubes....bias...etc.... that is easy to do on the Randall.
Are those changes for the recto or the treadplate? I love my treadplate but if it could be sicker...I like tinkering.