Thinking of selling all MTS one shot.

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2006
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Cincinnati, Ohio
This is just a feeler post to see if there would be any interest...

Would anyone have any interest in purchasing ALL (except the KH-1) of the Randall MTS modules (including a few that are no longer made) for a one lump purchase?

I'll either keep them all or sell them all in one shot.
Here's what I've got; which should be all except the oddball one off's and the KH-1.

- KH-2
- KH-3
- SL+
- Top Boost
- Grail
- Brahma
- Brown
- Deluxe
- Plexi
- UltraXL
- Tweed
- Blackface
- Ultra Lead
- Mr. Scary
- Recto
- Clean
- 1086
- Ultra
- Modern
- Super V

If so...what would be a good asking price?
All have the black faceplates AND the stock faceplates.

I also have an RM100 and possibly an Egnater M4 (empty) that I could offer up as well.

I'm not convinced 100% yet that I want to do this, but I'm seriously considering it.
The only partial trades I would consider would be for Egnater modules that I don't have or possibly an Engl Powerball or Mesa Road King.
I don't think you could sell them all in one go...there must be around $3k worth there...
tonymustang302 said:
uh-oh....the main reason i bought my amp is because of your recordings.....why are you getting rid of the stuff?

Well, with my Egnater / AxeFX rig, I really haven't been using the Randall stuff much anymore.
Plus, I lose my job at the end of March and have had no luck finding a new a second baby due about the week before my unemployment...
Do you realize how many fellow forumites are chomping at the bit to get a hold of some of your modules?...LOL. I don't really know, but you've posted a barrel of candy in the face of some bad sugar fiends.

If you figure $150. per module, you'd end up with $3,300. From there, maybe discount it a bit more for someone willing to buy the whole lot. $3,000. is a lot of money, but it's also 22 modules, 7 of which are signatures, and you still have to be fair to yourself.

Good luck with everything! Your clips have done a lot of good for us players (and Randall). :wink:
Why are you set on selling them all in one shot? If you broke them up, you'd not only get more money, but you'd sell pretty much all of them anyway. Something to consider...
He probably just doesn't want to deal with sending out that many packages - that many deals with folks, etc.

Plus he has a few rare modules that are obviously going to be worth a little more than say, the much maligned clean module, for example.

Jim, sorry to hear about your situation. You and I have done deals in the past and you're a straight up good guy. Hate to hear that you're having trouble like that. :(

Best wishes for a Jimosity- this dude deserves a check from randall because I also used his clips as a reference before buying my gear- best move I ever made in 25 years of GAS- thanks!
goldwing68nv said:
...from a fellow FORD employee,i wish ya the best in finding a new job quickly 8)

I was a Ford diesel master last month (last day was jan. 2nd) and at 24 i needed something new...thank god i got an easy out with my dad owning his own business.

I didn't know you worked for ford Jimosity. Goldwing do you work at a dealer or corporate?
crankyrayhanky said:
Best wishes for a Jimosity- this dude deserves a check from randall because I also used his clips as a reference before buying my gear- best move I ever made in 25 years of GAS- thanks!
+1000 on that. Jim was one of the first guys I talked to on this forum and he answered all my NOOB questions and his clips were OUT OF THIS WORLD!
Best of luck to you Jim.
crankyrayhanky said:
Best wishes for a Jimosity- this dude deserves a check from randall because I also used his clips as a reference before buying my gear- best move I ever made in 25 years of GAS- thanks!

+1,000,000 ...yep,this guy deserves MORE credit than anyone,on this forum,for his clips ALONE! the time invested was extensive and i,as well,can say that his module "clips" got me to buy certain mts modules... :wink: ...Randall Amps,lets get that "check" signed & sent out to the guy ASAP!!! ......8)
tonymustang302 said:
goldwing68nv said:
...from a fellow FORD employee,i wish ya the best in finding a new job quickly 8)

I was a Ford diesel master last month (last day was jan. 2nd) and at 24 i needed something new...thank god i got an easy out with my dad owning his own business.

I didn't know you worked for ford Jimosity. Goldwing do you work at a dealer or corporate?

hey man,didnt know you're a FORD diesel Master tech? which dealer were you at? i'm at Sessler Ford,in counterman/20 years 8) ...i believe jimosity's at a FORD Transaxle Plant in Ohio.
Wow, thanks guys - I appreciate the kind words and I'm glad that I could help so many of you with the Randall modules.
It's a great piece of gear; no doubt about it.

Yep, I'm at a transmission plant in southern Ohio that has been shutdown.
Still here doing records retention and server decommissioning (I'm an IT guy)... Just got word that I'll now be here until the end of May instead of March, so that's a little better...if I find another job - I'm going to try to keep my Randall gear. Still hard to justify when I'm just simply not using it much anymore. My Egnater gear just takes the next step and the more time I spend with my AxeFX - the more I'm thinking I may be able to scale down to only it.
goldwing68nv said:
tonymustang302 said:
goldwing68nv said:
...from a fellow FORD employee,i wish ya the best in finding a new job quickly 8)

I was a Ford diesel master last month (last day was jan. 2nd) and at 24 i needed something new...thank god i got an easy out with my dad owning his own business.

I didn't know you worked for ford Jimosity. Goldwing do you work at a dealer or corporate?

hey man,didnt know you're a FORD diesel Master tech? which dealer were you at? i'm at Sessler Ford,in counterman/20 years 8) ...i believe jimosity's at a FORD Transaxle Plant in Ohio.

I worked at Ron Tirapelli Ford in Shorewood. I loved it, but labor times and guy's getting greedy and not caring about the customer made me take the job offer to take my dad's company over.

I have two Ford engineer's in the family and they have been trying to get out for a while. You would be pissed if you found out how they take care of their engineers.....they get whatever they want.