Ultra XL + Impluses feedback please

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Jan 12, 2009
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I've been messing around using the line out from my rm100 (well the loop send) and then using cabinet impulses to mimic a power amp and cab. I just made a quick little sample of some KSE. Any Feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated! :D


(PS Please excuse my sloppy playing :oops: )


Sounds great. Are all the songs on your soundclick played with the ultra xl? Is that a real drummer or programmed? Good stuff!
Julia said:
Could you please explain this a little better?


You set up the amp like normal then use the series effect loop send as a "line out". This is then fed into my Audio interface and tracked in logic. Now the tone from this is really quite horrible because theres no poweramp or speaker affecting the tone, this is where impulses come in;

To tell the truth I'm still not 100% on exactly what an Impulse is, but using impulses lets you simulate cabinets, its actually an emulation of everything past the pre-amp (so, power amp, cab, mic, and the mic pre-amp). Thus effectively givng a miced up sound to you tone, its not perfect but its a lot easier than trying to mic a cab up at 1 in the mornin!

There is a really great FAQ about the whole process over on the Sneap forums.

Your tone sounds better than the links. Can you post your settings? Thanks

Right, I forgot to mention that im using a maxon od808 infront of the randall, thats set to:

Then into my Ultra XL:

Which then goes into logic and I used then "Engl v30 high presence" impulse from the sneap forum. Then abit of channel EQ:

And finally I used another eq to remove abit more:

That was where I was in the clip still need tweaking and so on.
If anyone thinks I'm doing something wrong or has any pointers that'd be great!

Hope that helps!
Wow man, that sounds awesome - you really nailed that Killswitch tone! Are you able to get the same tone live?
That's really similar to my Ultra XL settings, but since I don't use a boost for it, I have the gain at noon, the bass a pinch higher, and I don't use the bright switch, as it thins out the tone to me. Oh, and I turn my treble up a bit more from drop-tunings, with the mids a tad lower. That's a great range for the knobs on that module :D

Great recording, btw :) I have a friend on UG who uses an ENGL Blackmore and works with impulses. Here's his profile.
I notice it's VST and he's working with Cubase. How do I get it to work with an RTAS like Pro Tools?

Typically if I'm doing anything late at night, I'll record with headphones and my POD and split the signal off before the POD with a JDI, then reamp the next day before the birds go to bed. I use the cab simulation in Eleven Free much of the time. If I could save this step it would be fantastic.
Julia said:
I notice it's VST and he's working with Cubase. How do I get it to work with an RTAS like Pro Tools?

Typically if I'm doing anything late at night, I'll record with headphones and my POD and split the signal off before the POD with a JDI, then reamp the next day before the birds go to bed. I use the cab simulation in Eleven Free much of the time. If I could save this step it would be fantastic.

You need a convolution plugin, like TL Space, Altiverb, etc that'll work in RTAS format. You could also try a VST-RTAS adaptor. Then you could use something like Voxengo's Pristine Space or other VST.

I have Logic which uses AU format plugs, just like chrism3006.

Tons of info here with a Line 6 and speaker impulse section:
chrism3006 said:
Any Feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated! :D
Good job.
With better drums and maybe a bit more clarity super job ;)
Dude you totally nailed the killswitch tone. I have one question. The squeels.....why do they sound so "fake?" They only sound like that on my old RM100, and not on the dual rec? Pete would you know?
adam dukewitz has nothing on you as far as sense of tone! I wish I could get a direct tone like that .... :shock:

Nice playing too...spot on!
I just checked out TL Space.... $995 at Sweetwater. OUCH!! sorry, ain't happening here. BTW they were bought by Digidesign. Altiverb is $600.

If I was to really need to do the 2:00 am recording session I'd just get Eleven LE and use the models for the amps as well.
Julia said:
I just checked out TL Space.... $995 at Sweetwater. OUCH!! sorry, ain't happening here. BTW they were bought by Digidesign. Altiverb is $600.

If I was to really need to do the 2:00 am recording session I'd just get Eleven LE and use the models for the amps as well.

LOL...I was waiting for that exact response. I would google "convolution rtas" and find as much info as you can. There isn't a lot available in that format.
Or for $600 more than TL Space I could get the Axe FX Standard which has cab modelling + FX + a ton of amp models. :roll:

The sweet thing about Eleven LE is that with the speaker cabinet models you can dial in the amount of cone breakup you want. You get 12 amp models (not counting the different channels for a few), 7 cabinet models, 8 mic models, and they model sag, cabinet resonance, ghost notes (characteristic of some amps), and more. This thing is $395.

So yes, if I'm going the late night recording session route I'm going with Eleven LE. However, late nights are for mixing.
chrism3006 said:
Your tone sounds better than the links. Can you post your settings? Thanks
Which then goes into logic and I used then "Engl v30 high presence" impulse from the sneap forum. Then abit of channel EQ:

And finally I used another eq to remove abit more:

That was where I was in the clip still need tweaking and so on.
If anyone thinks I'm doing something wrong or has any pointers that'd be great!

Hope that helps!

What is this program? It seems like it would be good to analyze the sound coming out of our amps