UltraXL question/frustration

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Dec 14, 2009
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I have had absolutely no luck in getting a useable high gain sound with this module(UltraXL). Mine does not sound like anyone clips or demos or anything I heard before I got it. Not here just to complain about though. Here's is my situation.

Jackson ke3, duncan invader copys(sounds great)
Randall rm50, using kt88 tubes that came in it, bought used.
Blackface module, UltraXL, and XTC
Basson 4x12 Cab

Whenever I use either the UltraXL, it sounds like a low-end mess. I have completely cut the resonance, and dial down the bass significantly, but the sound is still so loose and bassy. I have not been able to dial in a good sound from this thing, and I can always at least get a useable sound out of most rigs.
At first i thought maybe my cab, but I though a metal muff in front of the blackface, and it was the best I had ever heard the metal muff sound. Almost what I'm looking for in a module. So my cab is able to give me the sound I'm looking for, I'm sure of it.
My guitar? Tried about 20 guitars in a trip to GC, all still sound crappy.

So whats left is the tubes, or a different module. Im only reluctant to purchase a new module becuase this one was supposed to be tight and aggressive but its loose and flabby, and I am wanting to hear what other people hear from this thin before I give up on it. Also,, the XTC has simialr characteristics, though a little bit tighter (I assume its the lower c3 value)

Sorry for the novel, but what do you guys think I should try?
Hey man did you get my PMs at HC before she went down?

Anyway like I said before:
Try it with different cabs/speakers.
Maybe try different power tubes, KT88s have a BIG bottom end
C3 mod
I am having trouble tracking down someone who is willing to do the c3 mod for, im kinda reluctant because I have very little solder experience. I have ordered two el34s, just checking with the people here to see if they have had similar experiences.
el34s will be nice, what type/brand?
i just put electro harmonix 6CA7s in the middle pair of my RM100 and it sounds so sick
I'd verify what C3 you already have before thinking of the mod. I'm not sure if the really old one's had a big cap, but mine is a black stripe and has a .0015u which is already in the really tight category, you can go tighter, but if you are already running this value, this doesn't sound like its your issue, unless its a bad part.

This module should sound really tight!
Drop me a PM and let's chat about some modifications. I think you will go from frustrated to very pleased with a few mods to it.
Jaded Faith said:
Drop me a PM and let's chat about some modifications. I think you will go from frustrated to very pleased with a few mods to it.

I can agree, while modded mods and stock aren't necessarily worlds apart, a little modding working away from what you don't like about the module and towards what you do like can make a GREAT difference.
If there is one thing the UXL is its NOT BASSY AND LOOSE. Dont do any mods to it!! The UXL can have the bass pegged and it still isnt going to blow your lowend up. Most people complain it is far to compressed and lacks looseness. I actually just saw you said the XTC has the same problems. Some part of your setup isnt aggreeing with something. The BASSON cab should be fine. Its a really good cab with Eminence Legends in it. Those speakers actually have more high end than V30's so the cab isnt blowing it up. How are you running the gain on you modules? The UXL should really only need to be at 1:00 to get a great tone. The XTC depending on what cap Randall decided to put in it could be very muddy. Mine came from them with a .0015 cap. The UXL has a .0022 and because of the tone structure is way tighter than the XTC. SOME XTC's have .0047 and some .0022 then they moved to .0015. I am running an RM100 with 6L6's and ended up really only liking the UXL for high gain stock. I even had a friend who switched from Bogner and various other amps to an RM50 with the UXL after hearing mine. He flat out got if for how tight it was. Also, I got very annoyed at not getting sounds like the clips until I actually mic'd the cab. Your ears will never pick up the recorded mic'd sound. Only a microphone will do the just. I actually have a clip I recorded of the UXL with the same eminence legend speakers you have in the Basson cab.
Its under RIGS & TONES
schlagdog said:
If there is one thing the UXL is its NOT BASSY AND LOOSE. Dont do any mods to it!! The UXL can have the bass pegged and it still isnt going to blow your lowend up. Most people complain it is far to compressed and lacks looseness. I actually just saw you said the XTC has the same problems. Some part of your setup isnt aggreeing with something. The BASSON cab should be fine. Its a really good cab with Eminence Legends in it. Those speakers actually have more high end than V30's so the cab isnt blowing it up. How are you running the gain on you modules? The UXL should really only need to be at 1:00 to get a great tone. The XTC depending on what cap Randall decided to put in it could be very muddy. Mine came from them with a .0015 cap. The UXL has a .0022 and because of the tone structure is way tighter than the XTC. SOME XTC's have .0047 and some .0022 then they moved to .0015. I am running an RM100 with 6L6's and ended up really only liking the UXL for high gain stock. I even had a friend who switched from Bogner and various other amps to an RM50 with the UXL after hearing mine. He flat out got if for how tight it was. Also, I got very annoyed at not getting sounds like the clips until I actually mic'd the cab. Your ears will never pick up the recorded mic'd sound. Only a microphone will do the just. I actually have a clip I recorded of the UXL with the same eminence legend speakers you have in the Basson cab.
Its under RIGS & TONES

That is why I'm confused with it, what could make mine sound so different than the rest of the ultraxls? This is not a subtle difference, its sounds so band my buddy with a crate said it sounded like ****.
Did you buy it used?
Maybe it was modded in a bad way?

Can you post pics of it from the top so we can see some components?
Yeah, we need gut shots to find what's wrong here!

Though inlcuding the mods I've done to mine (no changes of value or anything, just upgradings of caps), I run a JJ 12AX7 in the module V1 and an EHX in the V2, and run setting like:

Gain: 1:00
Bass: 10:00
Mids: 1:00
Treble: 1:30-2:00
Level: Between 11:00-1:00 depending on where I'm playing and the role it's playing.

Amp: See tubes in my sig, + JAN Phillips 5751 in the PI
Master: 9:00-noon depending on where I'm playing.
FX Level: 3:00-full on (depends on how I feel that day)
Presence: 10:00 at higher volumes, 11:00-noon at low volumes.
Density: same as presence almost always.

Of course, I'm also using it with my plywood guitar tuned to dropped B, but it use very similar settings for my E Flat-tuned Edwards with my DiMarzio DAX (I use the treble closer to 1:30 and bass as high as noon)

The module really opens up around 11:00 on the volume knob. The gain loves being at that 1:00 area or thereabouts. The bass tightens up really well below noon when drop tuning, and is almost perfect at noon for standard tuning and a half step down. The mids add a lot of punch to it and the treble just cuts and adds a nice sizzle :D

The module works great for melodic death metal, hard rock, black metal, Ted Nugent, anything that I throw at it really. I just gotta set the EQ to suit the style and it does it for me.

Either you have an OLD UXL or somebody before you modded it to try and get earth-shattering amounts of bass (although to destroy small planets you just need to turn up bass and mids ;)). That, or there might be a blown cap or maybe even some poorly seated tubes. It could be a multitude of things.
I believe it IS an old UXL, the face plate leads me to believe so. I will get you guys pics, I'm also thinking of making a youtube video, so you guys will know I'm not crazy. Thanks for everyones help.
If it's silverfaced, then most likely your issue it just that it needs a C3 change, and possibly even the R1, 2, and 3. Some early black stripe models might have the issue too, but mine is black stripe and was awesome out of the box (but better after my mod ;))
Shinozoku said:
If it's silverfaced, then most likely your issue it just that it needs a C3 change, and possibly even the R1, 2, and 3. Some early black stripe models might have the issue too, but mine is black stripe and was awesome out of the box (but better after my mod ;))

Yup, silver face.
bktele989 said:
Shinozoku said:
If it's silverfaced, then most likely your issue it just that it needs a C3 change, and possibly even the R1, 2, and 3. Some early black stripe models might have the issue too, but mine is black stripe and was awesome out of the box (but better after my mod ;))

Yup, silver face.
Does the C3 capacitor have a number like .0047 or 47k3 (or is it 47K2?) on it?
That is why I'm confused with it, what could make mine sound so different than the rest of the ultraxls? This is not a subtle difference, its sounds so band my buddy with a crate said it sounded like s*&t.
That's part of why I suggest modding it. If there is something wrong, it will be fixed free of charge while I am under the hood.