Vox Tonelab with RM50LB questions

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Reaction score
Midland, MI
Please excuse the silly questions, but...

If I hook up a Vox Tonelab (ST or LE) to my Lynch Box Combo, what module do I use? -If I want to use the amp models.

Or, since the Tonelabs already have a pre-amp, can I just run it straight into the cab? With no module?

I played out on Saturday night with the Lynch Box, but I was envious of our lead guitarist's multi-effects processor (a Digitech) running straight into the PA.

I was hoping to buy a Tonelab ST, and run it through the effects loop, for a few more options...

I'm done with individual pedals.
SacredGroove said:
You'd need an A/B switch and hook the ToneLab out to the FX loop return. That way you could use either, module or processor.

Okay, so I could use the Tonelab's amp models and effects and bypass the MTS module? Thus getting the benefits of just the amp's tubes and speakers?

My fear is having and the MTS module getting muddied up by the Tonelab's models, or vice versa.
I had a LE and the only reason that I sold it was because I wanted to use something with the 4CM so I bought a RP1000. When I had the LE I ran it into the effects return so that I could use the LE's amp models with the RM's power section. That is how you would want to use it if you want effects and the LE's amp models.
robespierre said:
SacredGroove said:
You'd need an A/B switch and hook the ToneLab out to the FX loop return. That way you could use either, module or processor.

Okay, so I could use the Tonelab's amp models and effects and bypass the MTS module? Thus getting the benefits of just the amp's tubes and speakers?

My fear is having and the MTS module getting muddied up by the Tonelab's models, or vice versa.

The whole RM preamp will be bypassed when using the ToneLab the way I (and eyeball) explained. The A/B switch is for switching your guitar input to either the modules or the ToneLab.